British Chambers of Commerce

BCC: Inflationary pressures beginning to ease

Commenting on the inflation statistics for January 2018, published today by the Office for National Statistics, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“Inflation was unchanged in January, as a smaller rise in motor fuel prices helped to a keep a lid on...Read More »

BCC: UK’s trade position weakened by rise in imports

Commenting on the trade statistics for December 2017, released today by the ONS, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“The sharp deterioration in the UK’s net trade position in December was disappointing and means that trade is likely to have been a...Read More »

BCC comments on Bank of England ‘Super Thursday’

Commenting on the Bank of England inflation report and interest rate decision published on ‘Super Thursday’, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“The Bank of England’s latest forecasts point to a mild improvement in the central bank’s outlook for the UK economy,...Read More »

BCC comments on government response to Taylor Review

Commenting on the publication of the government’s response to the Taylor Review, Jane Gratton, Head of Business Environment at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“Matthew Taylor’s report acknowledged that businesses are facing high employment costs and was cognisant of the current climate of uncertainty and change, so...Read More »

BCC open letter to PM: Businesses need clarity on Brexit

As Cabinet ministers gather today (Wednesday) to discuss the government’s negotiating stance ahead of critical talks on the UK’s future relationship with the European Union, Francis Martin, President of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) and Adam Marshall, the BCC’s Director General, write an open letter to Prime Minister...Read More »

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