Briefing session on enhancement measures of Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Environmental Hygiene and Security Staff in Property Management Sector

     The Home Affairs Department (HAD) and the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) organised a briefing session on May 6 for around 320 representatives of the property management (PM) sector, to explain the enhancement measures of the Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Environmental Hygiene and Security Staff in the Property Management Sector (ASPM).

     The HAD launched the ASPM under the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. The objective of the ASPM is to provide each frontline PM worker performing duties relating to environmental hygiene or security in private residential, composite (i.e. commercial cum residential), industrial and commercial (including shopping malls) building blocks (hereinafter referred to as "eligible building blocks") a monthly allowance of $2,000 for five months (February to June 2022).

     The HAD announced the enhancement measures of the ASPM last Friday (April 29), including: increasing the total quota of each eligible building block to not exceeding 200 (of which, 100 newly added quotas are for frontline cleansing and security staff engaged by premises within each eligible building block, as well as part-time/leave relief frontline cleansing/security workers of service contractors/subcontractors); providing a maximum of $500 administrative fee to PM companies (PMCs)/Deed of Mutual Covenant (DMC) Managers or Owners' Corporations/Organisations (OCs/OOs) for each frontline PM worker for whom they have successfully applied; and extending the application period to May 31. In the briefing session for the PM sector, the HAD and the PMSA thoroughly explained to the participants the details of the aforementioned enhancement measures as well as the application methods.

     To facilitate PMCs/DMC Managers/OCs/OOs of eligible building blocks in applying for the allowance under the ASPM for the frontline PM workers engaged by premises located therein, the HAD and the PMSA will provide a "Verification Form" template for this type of applications early next week. Premises-occupants should verify that they have employed the concerned frontline PM workers during the subsidised period, and confirm that the allowance will be disbursed to the employed frontline PM workers, etc. The "Verification Form" must be signed by premises-occupants as well as frontline PM worker employees, and submitted to the PMC of the concerned eligible building for follow-up application to the PMSA.

     The HAD and the PMSA thank around 320 PM sector representatives for joining the briefing session. The trade welcomes the enhancement measures introduced by the HAD under the ASPM, and will co-operate actively.

     By the original application due date of the ASPM (April 30), the PMSA has received nearly 16 800 applications, which will benefit over 180 000 frontline PM workers, in which over 1 660 applications have been approved, involving over $360 million, benefiting over 4 120 buildings. The HAD thanks the PM sector for its support to the ASPM, and appeals strongly to PMCs/DMC Managers/OCs/OOs to uphold corporate social responsibility and civic responsibility, following an inclusive and fair principle, and submit applications for all frontline PM workers serving eligible building blocks (including premises therein) to the PMSA promptly, so as to give recognition to their committed efforts during the pandemic.

     For details on the ASPM, please contact the PMSA at 3696 1156 or 3696 1166, or visit the website of the PMSA (