Bridge Farm gravel application


I have received a few letters from residents setting out worries and objections to the planning application at Bridge Farm.   It is most important that all residents who object to this proposal write to the Planning Department at Wokingham Borough Council setting out their objections so their worries can be taken into account. This planning application will  be decided by the Council, who have all the necessary planning powers. Objections are  most effective when they are related to the relevant planning matters the Council has to take into account, and when they are based on  the local plan the Council has set out. You might also like to write to your local Councillors, as they may be able to  represent your view  at the Council prior to  the decision making where they are not themselves members of the planning committee taking the decision.

As MP I have no power over this matter. I do not usually write in about an individual  planning application as the Council does not welcome the MP’s intervention in  matters they control. I do usually intervene if and when a planning matter is subject to appeal to the national planning authorities. I usually intervene on  the side of the Council reinforcing their reasons for turning down the application when  they decided it and urging the Inspector to uphold the wishes of the local community as expressed in  the local plan and decisions of the Council.

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