Braille test paper to be available for college English test

Braille test papers will be provided in the national English test for college students, after a girl sued the top education body. [File Photo]

Braille test papers will be provided in the national English test for college students, after a girl sued the top education body.

The examination authority of the Ministry of Education said on Tuesday that the Braille test papers will be available in the CET-4, or College English Test Band 4, which is scheduled next month.

The move came after a high-profile lawsuit brought against the authorities by a visually impaired girl. The plaintiff is a senior year student at Changchun University in Northeast China’s Jilin Province.

Last September, the girl sent an application to the local education authority asking for the provision of Braille test papers in the CET-4, a test she wants to take to apply for a master’s degree program for psychology. Her request was not approved.

In March, she sent another request to the local education authority to provide Braille test papers and also asked the MOE to disclose accommodation policies for students with limited vision, but did not receive replies.

On May 10, Luo brought a lawsuit against the MOE, demanding the ministry to disclose policies that help visiually impaired students appearing for CET-4 test.

An insider from the examination authority of the MOE said measures have been taken to help disabled students in recent years. For example, in December 2016, 18 visually impaired students were allowed to use large-character papers in CET-4 and CET-6.

According to a law revised in 2008, national exams should provide Braille test papers, electronic test papers and professional aids to people who are visually impaired. Regulations that took effect on May 1 also state that a disabled person has the right to apply for reasonable accommodation in national exams, and exam centers as well as schools should provide support as requested.

In 2014, Braille test papers became available for the gaokao, or national college entrance examination, opening up more majors to people with limited vision. The next year, eight students sat for the test.