Boston robber has his sentence increased


A man who committed two robberies within seven hours has had his sentence increased following an intervention by the Solicitor General, Rt Hon Michael Ellis QC MP.

On 30th November 2019, Matthew Holland, aged 31, spent the afternoon drinking and gambling in an amusement arcade in Boston. After running out of money, he entered a public house in Boston, produced a large kitchen knife and told a bartender to empty the till. He left with nearly £500 in cash.

Holland subsequently went back to the same amusement arcade and gambled away the proceeds of the robbery.

In the early hours of the next morning, Holland committed his second robbery. He entered a petrol station with a meat clever and asked the cashier to hand over cash and other goods. Holland left with nearly £3500 worth of goods.

On 17 January 2020, Holland was sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment suspended for 2 years at Lincoln Crown Court. Following a referral to the Court of Appeal by the Solicitor General, the sentence was found to be unduly lenient and has been increased to a sentence of 3 years and 9 months’ imprisonment.

After the hearing the Solicitor General said:

“Holland’s reckless and dangerous behaviour demonstrated a complete disregard for the law. His sentence has rightly been increased today at the Court of Appeal.”

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