Boost regional cooperation, for the ‘sake of peace and prosperity,’ Belarus tells global leaders at UN

Boost regional cooperation, for the ‘sake of peace and prosperity,’ Belarus tells global leaders at UN

21 September 2017 –

The past few decades have been fraught with two contradictory tendencies – enhanced political fragmentation and increased economic globalization, Belarus’ Minister for Foreign Affairs told the United Nations General Assembly today.

Vladimir Makei noted that the former has been associated with global political instability resulting from wars, conflicts, terrorism, xenophobia and other factors – giving rise to mounting chaos and despondency. This predicament came about because there was no peace treaty to end the Cold War, as is usual in other major wars. “We were left without a universally accepted framework, which could have guided our subsequent behaviour,” he explained.

“But it is never late to do what is right,” continued Mr. Makei, pointing to the possibility of a negotiating process in which key global powers collectively strategize on building new constructive relations. “Agreements emanating from the dialogue would, essentially, put an end to the last epochal war,” he explained, adding that the UN would have a role in its implementation.

While the second world tendency – increased economic globalization – has contributed to progress and economic development, it appears that the majority of the world’s population did not benefit, especially over the last few decades. “As a result,” said Mr. Makei, “we have not been able to eliminate poverty, while inequality has been steadily on the rise.”

Belarus believes that regional integration is a key feature of the contemporary world, as it leaves less room for political fragmentation. While acknowledging that everyone might not agree on the importance of tightening cooperation among regional integration processes, Mr. Makei said “what, however, we are firmly convinced of is that it is high time for all of us to demonstrate urgency in action and cooperation for the sake of peace and prosperity.”

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