BBC and Brexit


I signed the letter about BBC coverage of Brexit which was published today. On Radio 4 there is a never ending repeat of the same tired old story that some people think Brexit will damage the economy sometime soon, whilst ignoring all the evidence that the economy has been quite unaffected by the Brexit vote so far. There are all too many pieces trying to whip up criticism of possible changes post Brexit, and practically nothing on what are all the opportunities for improvement once we take control of our own money and law making.

I look forward to a few months when they explore the upsides as thoroughly as they have explored the downsides. Is the BBC really happy with the way EU tariffs discriminate against the agricultural products from poorer countries outside the Customs Union? Do they think the Common Fishing Policy has been a commercial success and an environmental triumph? I would be happy to offer some balance to their coverage, if only they would let me make the case for the things we can change for the better once we are out.

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