Barbara Keeley responds to CLG select committee social care report


Barbara Keeley
MP, Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Minister for Social Care
, commenting on
the CLG select committee report in to social care, said:

“This report is yet more evidence of government failure on social care.

"With less than 10 per cent of directors of adult social care confident
they will be able to fulfil their statutory duty to provide care this coming
year, it’s clear that the Government simply has not done enough to give social
care the funding it needs.

underfunding of social care is hitting the care work force with nearly half of
all care staff on zero-hours contracts and hundreds of thousands of them
scandalously earning less than the living wage. And as the cuts to budgets
bite, we are seeing the number of people caring for family and friends unpaid
going up faster than population growth. This is bad for the family carers and
can put great strain on families. 

Government should heed the recommendations from the committee and make sure
that their upcoming Green Paper does not rule any future funding options out.
 We need social care to be put on a long term sustainable financial
footing and we need an end to this on-going funding crisis.”

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