BAOHSF/EEN: Healthy Workplaces for All Ages – Promoting a Sustainable Working Life – Bradford, 24 Oct 2017


Bradford Occupational Health & Safety Forum (BAOHSF) and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EEN) are in partnership in presenting the following FREE health and safety event.

Date and Location

  • Tuesday 24 October 2017 – 9.30am for registration and refreshments – 1pm finish
  • City Hall, Centenary Square, Bradford BD1 1HY

Event overview

Organisations of all sizes and sectors, public or private, as well as individuals, are welcome to to join us for inspirational case studies from the public & private sector, sharing good practice and facts & figures from national bodies. 

  • 9.30-9.50 – Registration & Refreshments
  • 9.50-10.00 – Introductions
  • 10.00-10.30 – The Multigenerational Workforce (by Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service)
  • 10.30-11.00 – Tackling Workplace Stress to enable Sustainable, Healthy Working Lives (by the Health & Safety Executive)
  • 11.00-11.30 – Break & Refreshments
  • 11.30- 12.00 – Case Study: Promoting the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of an Ageing NHS workforce
  • 12.00-12.30 – Case Study by Yorkshire Water
  • 12.30-12.40 – Questions & Answers
  • 12.45 – Close

Further information and booking

For further information and online booking visit the ‘Healthy Workplaces for All Ages – Promoting a Sustainable Working Life‘ web page.

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