Back from Wau, UN South Sudan envoy says security improved, people returning home


14 September 2017 – The security situation north-western South Sudan has improved with displaced people returning home, the head of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the African country has said, holding he situation in Wau as a &#8220model&#8221 for other parts of the country where displacement rose so far this year.

&#8220I am pleased to see that the local authorities, the police and National Security have worked to improve the security environment,&#8221 the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to South Sudan, David Shearer, said while visiting Wau.

&#8220This collaboration could represent a new model for the return of displaced people,&#8221 he said.

&#8220It is important that people return to their homes voluntarily,&#8221 Mr. Shearer added, &#8220and for that to happen they need to feel safe and confident about their future.&#8221

The number of displaced people living in the UNMISS Protection of Civilians (POC) site has fallen from 38,000 to 32,500 over the last two months, he noted, adding that &#8220many of those people have returned home to cultivate their land.&#8221

Tens of thousands of people fled violence in April amid revenge attacks between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the SPLA-In Opposition fighters.

Speaking to reporters earlier today in Juba, Mr. Shearer credited more active patrolling by National Security and the police in Wau for helping to stabilize the area.

He called for continued work on security, including through UNMISS patrols, so that humanitarian services can be strengthened closer to people’s homes and not just near the POCs, but lauded the safety sites for saving lives.

&#8220The POC sites were originally created because there was a need, and I’m convinced that we have saved thousands, if not tens of thousands of lives, by providing that sanctuary,&#8221 said Mr. Shearer.

About 213,000 of people are still sheltering at UNMISS Protection of Civilians sites across the country.

&#8220We know that the vast majority of those people want to return home,&#8221 Mr. Shearer said, &#8220so UNMISS and our humanitarian partners are always looking at opportunities to support their voluntary return.&#8221

Mr. Shearer said that the number of people displaced in South Sudan rose to nearly four million during the first half of this year.

&#8220That figure includes 1.9 million who have been internally displaced and two million who fled to neighbouring countries &#8211 one million in Uganda alone,&#8221 he told journalists, noting insecurity in Jonglei and Upper Nile, and the Equatorias.

The UN and its humanitarian partners have appealed for $1.64 billion to provide food, health care and education to help many of the 7.6 million estimated people in need in the country. So far, some 66 per cent of the budget is funded.