Automatic shipping water selling machine commences operation (with photo)


     To meet the water supply demand for ships, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) operates seven shipping water selling kiosks and has been supplying fresh water through private accounts for replenishing ships. To further enhance the service of selling fresh water to replenish ships, the WSD announced that a new automatic shipping water selling machine at the Tuen Mun Water Selling Kiosk commenced operation today (December 11).

     The automatic shipping water selling machine is the first public facility of the WSD that provides a 24-hour automatic water selling service, marking a new milestone for the automation of selling water to ships for better convenience of marine workers to replenish fresh water anytime. The machine accepts Octopus payments at this stage. Other electronic payment means will be added to facilitate procurement of fresh water by customers efficiently through various convenient means. Following the commissioning of the automatic shipping water selling machine at the Tuen Mun Water Selling Kiosk, the WSD will set up similar machines at other existing water selling kiosks located in A Kung Ngam, Causeway Bay, Sai Wan Ho, Western Hong Kong Island, Yau Ma Tei and Lai Chi Kok.

     The WSD has set up a designated web page ( and uploaded a short video to illustrate the operating procedures of the machine. Customers can also call the WSD's 24-hour Customer Enquiry Hotline 2824 5000 to inquire about the operation details. The link of the web page and the number of the hotline are shown on the machine.


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