Webinars offer steps to building a new business

A webinar series has been designed to direct agricultural businesses through the journey of a new start.

Whale stranding sheds new light on mysterious species

One of the world’s most mysterious species of whale was stranded in Britain for the first time, according to new research.

Satellite images provide key to virtual farm tour

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) is using satellite imagery to offer virtual tours of its upland research farms in Perthshire.

Golfers enjoy fair days on the fairway

Golfers swung into action at Elmwood Golf Course in Fife after Covid-19 restrictions were lifted to allow players back on to the fairway.

SRUC sets date for new academic year

The new academic year at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) will begin on 28 September with a combination of face-to-face and online teaching.