Researchers from SRUC host world leading animal welfare expert Temple Grandin

A world renowned animal behaviour professor has told an SRUC seminar that to increase animal welfare we must move away from words and take a more sensory based approach.

Students learn to blossom at horticulture careers day

Horticulture students from SRUC were among those from around Scotland who attended the Grow Careers event at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.

Elmwood hosts high schools golf competition and information day

SRUC Elmwood Golf Course will be opening its doors to local high schools and visitors on Friday 10 March.

British Ambassador in Panama visits Oatridge

SRUC’s Oatridge Campus recently hosted a high profile diplomatic visitor – Dr Ian Collard, British Ambassador in Panama.

Scottish Natural Heritage offer amazing opportunity for SRUC Students

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) are offering student placement opportunities on some of Scotland’s top National Nature Reserves.