Hong Kong Customs combats counterfeit goods and unfair trade practices as well as rolls out more convenient crime reporting means (with photos)

     Hong Kong Customs conducted a territory-wide operation codenamed “Snow Leopard” yesterday (April 21) to combat the sale of suspected counterfeit smartphones and accessories as well as suspected engagement of unfair trade practices in selling smartphones.  During the operation, 14 locations including 12 shops and two storage places were raided and a total of 100 smartphones with suspected false trademarks or with suspected false trade descriptions applied and about 3 400 pieces of suspected counterfeit smartphone accessories were seized with a total estimated market value of about $1.5 million.  18 men and a woman, aged between 21 and 48, were also arrested.
     Customs earlier received information alleging that some phone repairing shops sold suspected counterfeit smartphone accessories, and some shops were suspected to have engaged in unfair trade practices by selling old smartphones as brand new products, or selling parallel-imported smartphones as authorised products.
     After an in-depth investigation with the assistance of trademark owners, Customs took enforcement action yesterday and raided 12 shops. A total of 36 smartphones with suspected false trade descriptions applied or with suspected false trademarks and about 3 000 pieces of suspected counterfeit smartphone accessories were seized. A total of 17 shop owners and salespersons were arrested.
     During the operation, Customs also cracked down on a syndicate in connection with export, supply and distribution of suspected counterfeit smartphones and accessories. A total of 64 suspected counterfeit smartphones and 330 pieces of suspected counterfeit smartphone accessories were seized at the storage places in Sham Shui Po and Tsing Yi. A 32-year-old male head and a 34-year-old female member of the syndicate were arrested.
     Investigation is ongoing and more people may be arrested.
     The Head of Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau, Ms Catherine Yip, said at a press conference today (April 22) that the successful detection of the case was attributed to the reporting by members of the public and the full assistance from trademark owners. Customs will continue with stringent enforcement and spare no effort in combating activities in connection with the sale of counterfeit goods and unfair trade practices.
     She said that Customs will step up inspection and enforcement with the approach of the Labour Day Golden Week in order to suppress activities in connection with the sale of counterfeit goods and unfair trade practices.
     Customs appeals to consumers to purchase products at reputable shops and to have a clear knowledge of product packaging and terms of warranty services as well as to inspect the goods in detail before making any purchases. Consumers should check with the trademark owners, manufacturers or their authorised agents if the authenticity of a product is in doubt. Invoices and receipts should also be kept.
     Customs also reminds traders to comply with the requirements of the Trade Description Ordinance (TDO). False claims of goods may constitute an offence under the TDO. Traders should also be cautious and prudent in merchandising since the sale of counterfeit goods is a serious crime and liable to criminal sanctions.
     Under the TDO, any person who applies a false trade description to any goods or supplies goods with a false trade description in the course of trade or business, or sells or possesses for sale any goods with a forged trademark, commits an offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for five years.
     In order to further facilitate members of the public to report crime information, Customs will put in place a dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) and provide a more comprehensive and convenient reporting means tomorrow (April 23).

     Speaking at the same press conference, the Head of Intelligence Bureau, Ms Kitty Poon, told that the number of reports Customs received from members of the public has risen progressively for 21 per cent, from 31 994 in 2015 to 38 819 in 2017. Of all the reports received, the proportion received through email has increased from 30 per cent in 2015 to almost 40 per cent in 2017.

     “The newly introduced email account is manned by dedicated Customs officers and prompt follow-up actions will be taken upon the receipt of information via the channel, providing members of the public a more convenient reporting means,” she said.

     She added that in order to make it more convenient for informants to make reports through electronic means, an edit function will also be added simultaneously to the Crime Report (CED 358) to facilitate informants to input information directly into the form.

     Members of the public can make a report if they find suspected activities involving smuggling, drug trafficking, selling or buying of illicit cigarettes, sale of infringing goods and violations of the TDO, etc. to Customs by the following channels:

  • Information Hotline (24-hour):(852) 2545 6182
  • Dedicated E-mail Account: crimereport@customs.gov.hk
  • Crime Report: CED 358
  • Fax: (852) 2543 4942
  • Mail: Commissioner of Customs and Excise    G.P.O Box No. 1166

     All information received by Customs will be kept in confidence.

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Press release: UK confirms new support to World Bank after Securing Key reforms

As a result of UK lobbying, the World Bank Group has committed to focus significantly more of its resources on poorer countries, increasing from 63% to 70% by 2030, while ensuring richer countries will pay more to borrow.

The UK is to commit more money, $547m (approx.) over five years to the World Bank alongside a wider package of agreed reforms. These will include the World Bank Group making efficiency savings of $1.8bn by 2030, through pay restraints.

Historically, each $1 shareholders have invested in the World Bank Group has delivered up to $50 in financing for governments and businesses in developing countries, making it excellent value for money.

The World Bank has a track record of immunising children, getting them fed and educated. Between 2017 and 2020 the World Bank Group is expected to train and recruit 10 million teachers and vaccinate 180 million children.

International Development Secretary, Penny Mordaunt, the UK Goveror to the World Bank, said:

It is in all our interests to make sure the World Bank Group is in the right shape to tackle the global challenges of today and of the future.

This crucial, landmark agreement between the Bank, and the international community, will increase lending to some of the poorest countries in the world to deliver better, sustainable health provision, education and jobs to those who need them most.

Notes to editors

  • The UK is to commit more money $547m (approx.) over five years
  • As a result of UK lobbying, the World Bank Group has committed to focus significantly more of its resources on poorer countries, increasing from 63% to 70% by 2030.

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West End roads and pavements improvements 2018/19

The City Council released information last week about the roads and pavements it intends to resurface over the current financial year.

In the West End, these are as follows :

Adopted Footway Programme 2018‐19

Milnbank Road (Rosefield Street to Easson’s Angle, both sides)
Minto Place (East leg, East & North sides)

Unadopted Footway Programme 2018‐19

Glamis Drive (West End only)
Menzieshill Road (South footway)
Oxford Street (East footway)

Non‐Adopted Asset Programme 2018‐19

Balgay Park (Various footpaths)
Ninewells Avenue (Both paths Perth Road to Ninewells Drive)
Pentland Avenue Steps

Carriageway Programme 2018‐19

Tullideph Road (Lochee Road to Ancrum Road)

As I indicated in the Courier last week, I welcome any resurfacing or other improvements to our roads and pavements in the city but there has to be a real debate across the council about the long-term as what the council does not say in its publicity about this is that there has been a real terms cut in funding for resurfacing this year.

The adopted carriageway budget has been reduced by 20% from £3.095m (2017/18) to £2.5m (2018/19). 

The adopted footway programme is on a second year of budget reduction from £630k (2016/17) to £500k (2018/19). 

Councils face significant financial challenges but the bottom line is that there needs to be discussion about reinstating capital programme for roads and pavements in future years if there is not to be deterioration of the roads and footpaths estate as a whole across the city.  

I particularly welcome further progress with tackling unadopted footways including parts of Glamis Drive, Menzieshill Road and Oxford Street in the West End but it is vital that roads and pavement programmes as a whole are given sufficient capital investment going forward.

DGIP visits Middle East to promote Hong Kong’s unique business advantages

     The Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Stephen Phillips, today (April 22) embarked on a five-day duty visit to the Middle East aimed at engaging with the regional business community and entrepreneurs to keep them abreast of the latest business advantages Hong Kong has to offer.

     The visit covers three countries in the region, namely the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, where Mr Phillips will meet with a diverse range of business and government leaders in technology, financial and professional services, banking and retail.

     He will also meet with officials of Dubai’s government-funded FinTech Hive, a 12-week accelerator programme designed to nurture financial technology start-ups in the region. In Kuwait, Mr Phillips will attend a business event co-organised by Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

     Mr Phillips said, “Hong Kong and the Middle East region have a strong and growing bilateral relationship based on common economic interests. We are exploring opportunities to collaborate across various sectors of mutual interest including new and traditional energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, technology and finance.

     “With the accelerated growth of our economies and our common vision for partnership, we see tremendous opportunity in working together to support our development plans and to contribute to the broader global economy.

     “Hong Kong is not only a major financial and business hub in Asia with close proximity to the huge Mainland market – new opportunities abound in areas such as innovation and technology, creative industries, smart city, financial technology and biological technology. Hong Kong will offer Middle East companies and entrepreneurs looking to expand in Asia a solid platform to grow their business globally.”

     During his visit, Mr Philips will also update the Middle East business community on Hong Kong’s latest tax incentives such as the new two-tier profits tax regime and various concessionary tax rates relating to corporate treasury centres and aircraft leasing.

About InvestHK

     Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to attract foreign direct investment and support overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services for overseas and Mainland companies enrolled as its clients. For more information, please visit www.investhk.gov.hk.

HK Public Libraries, marking World Book Day, urges public to discover and share the joy of reading (with photos)

     To encourage members of the public to discover and share the joy of reading and to tie in with World Book Day, the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) held a series of vibrant activities at the Hong Kong Central Library today (April 22). These included the Fun at Central Library fun day as well as the Sign Up Ceremony of Reading Charter cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition. The HKPL also announced that a short video competition will be launched at the end of April to encourage the public to share their experiences and the joy of reading. These activities are part of the programmes in a reading-for-all campaign, themed “Discover and Share the Joy of Reading”, jointly launched by the LCSD, the Education Bureau and the Information Services Department.

     The first-ever Fun at Central Library fun day marked the start of the series of library activities, enabling members of the public to have a unique and extraordinary library experience. Participants took in a rich array of programmes and the library was filled with fun and joy. Visitors were attracted by the exhibitions “Discovery of Conservation Tools” and “Discover Hong Kong in Miniatures”, and enjoyed musical performances and “music on demand”, storytelling workshops and various games. Display boards featuring a mascot specially designed for the reading-for-all campaign and other photo-taking spots on different floors were also popular with families. Children were eager to colour the mascot on the sheets printed with its image. Other highlights included a thematic storytelling session, book repair workshops, saxophone performances by the Chief Music Officer of the LCSD and a chief librarian, acting as “Auntie Hippo”, reading stories to children.

     During the Sign Up Ceremony of Reading Charter cum Prize Presentation Ceremony of 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition, the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li, and the Under Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, signed the Reading Charter together with participating guests, school representatives, parents and students – about 300 participants in total – and invited the public to make a pledge on reading. The Reading Charter encourages the public, in particular students, to establish a good habit and enjoy the pleasure of reading by promising to achieve a reading goal. From today to May 8, members of the public can sign the Reading Charter on the HKPL website or via the “My Library” mobile app and receive a souvenir.

     Speaking at the ceremony, Ms Li said the theme “My Library” was adopted for this year’s 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition. While reading and writing for the competition, participants are encouraged to make the best use of the free and highly accessible services of the public libraries to share in the joy of reading. Ms Li noted that the competition received an overwhelming response this year, with over 1 800 entries from more than 200 schools.

     She added that to promote reading in the community, the HKPL plans to launch a three-month trial scheme this summer extending the opening hours of three public libraries of different tiers on Sundays and public holidays during which the libraries have higher usage. Public demand during the public libraries’ extended opening hours will be evaluated. After considering factors such as the library usage data, the public demand for services and the availability of ancillary facilities, Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Public Library in the New Territories, Lai Chi Kok Public Library in Kowloon and Smithfield Public Library on Hong Kong Island were selected for the scheme.

     In addition, the LCSD has commissioned a media partner to organise the Reading KOL video competition with the support of the Education Bureau. The competition, opening for application at the end of April, will consist of three categories targeting primary students, secondary students and the general public. Participants are encouraged to present their experiences and the joy of reading in a creative manner through videos, each within two minutes, with no restrictions on the presentation format.

     More interesting activities have been organised by various public libraries to promote reading at the district level, such as the Our Libraries @ Southern District Reading Fun Day held today at the Amphitheatre of Stanley Plaza in Southern District. Other activities, such as thematic storytelling workshops and the “Meet-the-Authors” talk series, welcome public participation. HKPL users who borrow library materials from April 21 to 25 will receive souvenirs on a first come, first served basis while stocks last.

     Winning works from the 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition will be displayed at the Exhibition Gallery of the Hong Kong Central Library from April 28 to May 8, followed by a roving exhibition at 19 public libraries. The winning works will also be uploaded to www.hkpl.gov.hk/en/extension-activities/event-category/23428/4-23-world-book-day. This creative competition is part of the ongoing collaboration and exchange programme with the Shenzhen Children’s Library, the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province and the Macao Public Library, which have also organised competitions under the same theme. The winning works will be displayed in their respective libraries.

     Other guests attending the ceremony today included the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Education City Limited, Mr Sunny Lee; the Chairman of the Hong Kong Publishing Federation Limited, Dr Lee Ka-kui; the President of the Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association, Ms Karen Ip; the President of the Hong Kong Reading Association, Dr Lornita Wong; the Marketing Manager (Exhibitions) of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ms Winny Siu; and representatives from the Shenzhen Children’s Library.

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