Statement by Dr. Urjit R. Patel, Governor (On behalf of Mr. Arun Jaitley, Member, IMFC representing the Constituency consisting of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka) and ?Leader of the Indian Delegation to the International Monetary and Financial Committee in Washington D.C, on ?April 21, 2018

Following is the Full Text of the Statement by Dr. Urjit R. Patel, Governor (On behalf of Mr. Arun Jaitley, Member, IMFC representing the Constituency consisting of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Sri Lanka) at the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC)? in Washington DC, USA yesterday, 21st April, 2018



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Press release: Foreign Secretary travels to Toronto for G7 meeting

Today and tomorrow (22nd and 23rd April) the Foreign Secretary will be in Toronto for a meeting of Foreign Ministers from the G7 countries. During the summit the Foreign Secretary will discuss issues ranging from gender equality and women’s empowerment, to non-proliferation and disarmament, to conflict prevention and stability. For the session on counter-extremism the Foreign Secretary will be joined by Home Office Security Minister Ben Wallace.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

I am proud to represent the UK at this meeting of the top economies and international powers in the world. Last week London hosted the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, and later this week I will travel to Brussels for a NATO Foreign Ministers’ meeting.

The UK and Canada are the only two countries that are members of all these organisations – evidence not just the closeness of the UK-Canada relationship, but of the UK’s influence in the world. Influence that will continue long after we leave the European Union.

The G7 is a group of likeminded partners who work to protect the rules-based international system. I welcome unanimous G7 support in recent week both for the joint UK/US/French action in Syria, and for the UK’s response to the terrible poisonings in Salisbury. I look forward to continuing that work in Toronto this week.

Notes to editors

  • The G7 countries are the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States. The EU, represented by High Representative Federica Mogherini, will also attend the meeting.

Further information

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For journalists

LegCo joint-Panel concludes duty visit to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Economic Development, Panel on Financial Affairs, Panel on Commerce and Industry, and Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting concluded the three-day joint-Panel duty visit to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (Bay Area) today (April 22) and returned to Hong Kong in the evening.

     In the morning, the delegation departed from Foshan to Guangzhou to visit EHang Intelligent Technology Company Limited, which is a high-technology innovative enterprise for intelligent drones. Members received a briefing from the company’s representative on the latest application technology of intelligent drones and observed a demonstration of the operation of a rideable autonomous drone.

     The delegation then attended a seminar, themed “Advance the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area”, held by the Guangdong Provincial Government. Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Mr Zhong Ming, briefed Members on the role and work of the Guangdong Provincial Government in the development of the Bay Area. Members also discussed and exchanged views with the Vice-Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Ouyang Weimin, who also attended the seminar, on the development of the Bay Area and a wide-range of topics such as technology, finance, professional services, tourism and manpower.

     After that, the delegation received a briefing from representatives of the Guangzhou Municipal Government on the city planning of Guangzhou to learn about the latest development of Guangzhou.

     The delegation also met with the Executive Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipality, Mr Chen Zhiying. Members took the chance to further understand the co-operation opportunities between Guangzhou and Hong Kong in the Bay Area.

     In the afternoon, the delegation visited the cultural landmarks in the Zhujiang New Town. Members first took a ride on electric vehicles to tour around the compound of the Zhujiang New Town, including Canton Tower, Guangzhou Library, Guangdong Museum and Guangzhou No.2 Children’s Palace. They then visited the Experimental Theater and the Opera Hall of Guangzhou Opera House.

     The delegation then visited Guangzhou South Station to see for themselves the latest development of the high-speed rail network. After receiving a briefing on Guangdong Province and the Mainland’s overall high-speed rail network at the platform, Members took a ride on the high-speed train from Guangzhou South Station to Futian Station in Shenzhen and experienced the train journey with speed close to 300 kilometers per hour.

     The delegation returned to Hong Kong in the evening and concluded its three-day duty visit.

     In summing up the duty visit, the delegation leader Mr Jeffrey Lam, who is also the Chairman of the Panel on Economic Development, said at Guangzhou South Station, “The visit programme of the three-day duty visit to the Bay Area is substantial and the result is significant. Through visiting various enterprises, including the innovative technology and start-up business, as well as meeting and exchanging views with representatives of the local Governments, Members have further understanding on the development of the Bay Area.”

     Mr Lam added that Members joining the duty visit believed that it would enhance the mutual understanding between Guangdong and Hong Kong. Members were also grateful for the exchange opportunity.

     On behalf of the delegation, Mr Lam expressed gratitude to the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Innovation,the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, and Technology Bureau,  the Guangdong Provincial Government and related units, as well as the five Municipal Governments in Guangdong Province for their thoughtful assistance that made the duty visit concluded smoothly.

     The LegCo Panel on Economic Development, Panel on Financial Affairs, Panel on Commerce and Industry, and Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting conducted a three-day joint-Panel duty visit to five cities in the Bay Area between April 20 and 22. The delegation has a total of 32 Members. Apart from the delegation leader Mr Lam, other participating Panel Members included the Chairman of Panel on Commerce and Industry, Mr Wu Chi-wai; the Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr Charles Mok; the Chairman of Panel on Financial Affairs, Mr Kenneth Leung; the Deputy Chairman of Panel on Financial Affairs, Mr Christopher Cheung; the Deputy Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Dr Elizabeth Quat; the Deputy Chairman of Panel on Economic Development, Mr Alvin Yeung; the Deputy Chairman of Panel on Commerce and Industry, Mr Shiu Ka-fai; Mr Chan Kin-por; Mrs Regina Ip; Mr Paul Tse; Mr Michael Tien; Mr Steven Ho; Mr Yiu Si-wing; Mr Ma Fung-kwok; Mr Dennis Kwok; Mr Martin Liao; Ir Dr Lo Wai-kwok; Mr Jimmy Ng; Mr Holden Chow; Ms Yung Hoi-yan; Mr Chan Chun-ying; and Mr Lau Kwok-fan as well as non-Panel members Professor Joseph Lee, Mr Leung Che-cheung, Dr Helena Wong, Mr Ip Kin-yuen, Mr Poon Siu-ping, Mr Ho Kai-ming, Mr Lam Cheuk-ting, Mr Kenneth Lau and Mr Vincent Cheng.

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Four Directors of Bureaux conclude LegCo joint-Panel duty visit to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick Nip; the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau; the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; and the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, continued the duty visit with Legislative Council (LegCo) Members in Guangzhou today (April 22), last day of the LegCo joint-Panel duty visit to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (Bay Area).

     The delegation first visited a high-tech enterprise specialising in developing intelligent aerial vehicles in Guangzhou this morning to learn about the application of unmanned aerial vehicles and watched a demonstration of the operation of aerial vehicle.

     Thereafter, the group attended an exchange session organised by the Guangdong Provincial Government in which they were briefed by the Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr Ouyang Weimin, on Guangdong Province’s efforts in fostering the development of Bay Area. They also met with the Executive Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipality, Mr Chen Zhiying, to exchange views on the co-operation areas between Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

     Before concluding the visit, the delegation visited the cultural facilities of Zhujiang New Town and Guangzhou South Station, the largest railway transport hub in Southern part of the Mainland.

     In making his concluding remarks, Mr Nip said that the delegation had visited five cities in the Bay Area, covering over 10 visiting spots, meeting with government officials of province and municipalities, and attending an exchange session in this three-day joint-Panel duty visit. He believed that the participating LegCo Members had gained a better understanding of the development of the Bay Area. 

     He said that the development of the Bay Area was a key national development strategy and a golden opportunity to inject new impetus to Hong Kong’s economy. He hoped that members of the community could seize the opportunities to understand more about development of Bay Area. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will continue to reach out to stakeholders of various sectors to gauge their views on how to take forward the development plan of Bay Area.

     In the evening, they took the high-speed train to Futian Station in Shenzhen and returned to Hong Kong by coach.

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News story: Defence Secretary announces £80m Guardian to protect the skies

Known as Project Guardian, the new Air Command and Control System will support the continued early detection and rapid response to potential hostile or suspect aircraft that pose a threat to UK sovereignty, be that terrorists or state-based actors.

This project will see the current systems at RAF bases in the UK and Falkland Islands replaced with the new technology. It will allow the RAF to exercise command and control of UK and NATO fighters to intercept aggressive or suspect aircraft that are a threat. The RAF routinely intercept, identify and escort aircraft that transit international airspace within the UK’s area of interest and continue to be on call 365 days a year.

Since 2013 RAF jets have launched 68 times to intercept or monitor suspect aircraft in the skies around Britain – half of these in response to Russian planes.

IBM Services in the UK is leading the way to develop and install the replacement system, with work being carried out by a dedicated team of specialists at IBM locations across the country.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said:

With hostile regimes such as President Putin’s Kremlin ripping up the international rulebook and terrorists still targeting our way of life, this cutting-edge technology gives our RAF the upper hand in the face of rapidly changing and intensifying global threats.

This investment will play a vital role in making sure our fighter pilots are primed and ready to keep Britain safe and to counter aggression from those who seek to cause us harm.

The Air Command and Control System is the computer system that takes in data to generate the Recognised Air Picture – a dynamic, real time depiction of aircraft in the airspace the UK control or patrol, with each being identified as friendly or hostile. The upgrades will continue improving the rapid exchange of real time command and control information and speed and accuracy of decision making.

The announcement comes as the RAF celebrates 100 years since its formation and demonstrates how the service is continuously looking at ways to design and innovate to meet the full spectrum of threats that the UK is currently facing.

The contract, which IBM UK won in competition, is for approximately £60 million with costed options that the MOD can exercise which would take the total value towards £80 million. It represents a continuation of IBM UK supplying the equipment to UK armed forces and includes five years of support services following the installations.

Director Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance, Dr Simon Dakin, of the MOD’s procurement organisation, Defence Equipment and Support, said:

Guardian will provide a new Air Command and Control system connecting the UK’s defence network of radars and radio and delivering several new capabilities to improve communication and interoperability between UK, NATO and coalition aircraft, vital to the protection of the UK’s skies.

Group Captain Steven Blockley, director of the RAF’s Director, National Air Defence and Space Operations, said:

The new system provides a quantum leap in technology and information exchange for the personnel charged with the Defence of the Homeland and will ensure that future homeland operations are conducted with equipment befitting the RAF as it reaches its 100th year. The equipment will ensure that new digital technologies, along with new requirements for future capabilities, will also allow us to seamlessly exchange data and threat information across the new RAF platforms, such as the P-8 maritime patrol aircraft and F-35 Lightning II, as well as continue to integrate with our NATO colleagues to ensure the UK National mission to protect our skies and the NATO Air Policing task are met fully.