Stone Embellishments

Some examples of our embellishments which can be fitted to any flat stone product to enhance the design and create unique and eye-catching features.

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The Royale Memorial Headstone

A classic and beautiful addition to any cemetery space. Can be installed on any burial chamber or earthen burial plot.

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welters Stone Products

All manufactured in our own facilities in Britain and can be supplied in large and small quantities for supply only or supply and installation projects.

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welters Basilica Memorials

For interment of cremated remains. Can be installed as single units or in mass quantities. An attractive and modular solution, creating peaceful environments to mourn our loved ones.

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welters Grassmats

An environmental product manufactured from reuse material as well as traditional. Suitable for the creation of clean & dry pedestrian walkways and areas for vehicle traverse, particularly over wet and variable ground conditions. Can be removed and re-instated in different locations when necessary.

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