Illegal immigration and the Home Secretary

Tomorrow I read that the Home Secretary will provide another Statement to the Commons on migration matters. Parliament will only know for sure when the Speaker announces topical  business at midday on Monday.

I assume she will reaffirm that no Minister wanted legally settled people who have been here a long time to be sent away, and will confirm that all actions are being taken to complete any outstanding paperwork quickly and helpfully in cases where proper documents have not been issued in past years.  That is what we want and expect, as people welcomed into our country should  not be  put under pressure by the system or have their status placed in doubt. If anyone has been deported wrongly their cases should be reviewed and matters put right as best the government can.

I also trust she will stress as the Prime Minister rightly did last Wednesday the crucial distinction between legal and illegal migrants. Service has to be improved and any errors put right for legal arrivals, but the Home Secretary  will presumably  continue with her tougher  policies towards illegals. Labour seems to wish to muddle this distinction.

The current Home Secretary agrees with the Prime Minister in wishing to reduce net inward migration to the tens of thousands, and is signed up to bringing that about. She issued a Home Office Annual Report for 2016-17 which she presumably approved which was crystal clear about the aim of reducing migration and the policy of removing illegal migrants. The Annual Report reminds us that that the government is committed to “Reducing annual net migration” and sets out how in that most recent year net migration had fallen by 84,000 or 25%.

It also states that a central aim is to “Clamp down on illegal immigration”.  Deporting foreign criminal offenders “remains a priority”. “We continue to use the provisions of the Immigration Act 2014 and by December 2016 over 5700 foreign national offenders had been removed”.

The Report continues with “The Home Office’s approach to returns goes wider than criminal offenders. In January 2016 we broadened our engagement activity in priority countries to maximise returns of all nationals in the UK illegally”. The Report also details numbers of people using the four Resettlement Schemes the Home Office promotes. The Report does not contain any individual targets beneath the general public target to cut net migration, but is peppered with  numbers of how many people are involved in each of the detailed policies to try to implement the general target.

The Home Secretary will be expected to offer a robust defence of her approach , as well as updating us on how she is sorting out problems for those legally here. I also want to know when she is going to share with us the work she should be doing on a UK migration and borders policy for once we have left the EU. It would be wise of her to correct again her slip over the Cabinet’s long standing decision that we will be leaving the customs union when we leave the EU.

Almost 72,500 affordable homes delivered but we’re just getting going

Having a home of your own really matters. We all want somewhere warm and safe to go back to at the end of a long day, to bring up children, to make new memories or grow old with our partners. A home is where much of our life happens.


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Sound Advice event

Sound Advice is a free event and the first of its kind for 13 – 17 year olds considering a career in the dance music or events industry

Held on Saturday 5th May at the University of Dundee, Sound Advice features presentations and workshops from dance music industry professionals.  Your pupils will receive advice on the key disciplines of what is now a multi-billion dollar, global industry; from record producers and DJs; venue managers and festival organisers; to graphic designers and lighting engineers.  In addition, there will be a Q&A discussing how women can succeed in what is still a male dominated industry.

Later that evening there will be an opportunity for some pupils to spend an hour behind the scenes at the DDE Under 18’s Dance Party.

This is a free event, with everyone giving their time for free in order to celebrate 2018 Year of Young People.

For more information and for pupils to register for their free tickets go to

Please note attendance is limited to 120 and the free tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

What use should the public sector have for the private sector?

Here are the slides from my recent All Souls Lecture on privatisation:

The Big Issue

• The big issue of public / private partnership, contracting out and privatization is back on the agenda.
• The government needs to clarify the role it sees for the private sector and make the case for why it needs private involvement in the public services.
• The public sector under both Labour and Conservative make extensive use of the private sectors as
• Supplier of goods and services to public service
• As adviser
• As financier of public provision
• As provider of public services

Ten Types of public service

• Public sector monopolies employing public sector staff using public sector assets, providing the service free at the point of use. This is some people’s idea of a public service in general but is a limited case. The nuclear deterrent and the army are two good examples.

• Private sector companies competing to supply good or services, using private sector assets, employing private sector staff and charging the customers. This is the most normal form of public service in the UK for the supply of everything from bread to medicines over the counter.

Ten Types of public service

These are the main eight hybrid types:

• Public sector monopolies employing public staff and assets that charge the end users the cost and a mark up – planning departments, the grant of a variety of licences, the BBC etc.

• Public sector monopolies that employ private sector staff and assets to provide a free service – this would be a contracted out service like domestic refuse collection.

• Public sector monopolies employing private sector staff and assets and charging the end user – not common, but could include a local monopoly leisure facility or toll bridge for example.

Ten Types of public service
• Competitive services provided free by the public sector with choice to the end user using public sector staff and assets – schools etc.
• Competitive services provided free by the public sector using private sector staff and assets – the GP service.
• Competitive services provided by the public sector but charging the end user – e.g. public sector leisure facilities.
• Private sector monopolies using private sector staff and assets and charging the end user – these are rare but include regional domestic water monopolies.
• Private sector competitive businesses employing private sector staff and assets that do not charge the end user – free newspapers, free to air commercial TV etc.


Privatisation describes a range of different policies. There are two possible main ingredients:

1. Transfer of assets and risks from public sector to private, as with the sale of trading companies like the water business or BT.

2. Introduction of competition into former public sector monopolies, as with the licencing of competitors to BT and to British Rail trains.

In order to qualify as a privatisation there does have to be a genuine and substantial transfer of risk from public to private.

There is usually money passing from the private sector to the public when they buy the assets, but you can have privatisations for negative consideration where the assets and business are heavily lossmaking.

It is best when privatizing to break monopolies, but this is not always done.

The capital provided by the private sector will usually be dearer than the government raising it through a bond issue on its own balance sheet. So why might it still be cheaper for service users and better for taxpayers?

1. The private sector may well have better capital discipline, controlling the cost and the time it takes to build new facilities.

2. The private sector may be better at employing people, creating a higher wage higher productivity environment which is also better value for service users.

3. If a mistake is made with an investment private sector shareholders have to meet the losses, not taxpayers.

4. The private sector may innovate and grow the business, finding new revenue streams and activities which supplement the core activity.

What happened as a result of the major privatisations of the 1980s-1990s?

• The privatized railway reversed years of decline in the use of the railway and turned it into a growth business. Labour blamed a couple of bad accidents on privatisation, through the safely record was no worse than BR. They renationalised most of it.

• The electricity industry switched substantially from coal to gas and greatly raised the fuel efficiency of its output, driving prices lower before the Labour government turned it into a heavily regulated and controlled activity.

• The telecoms industry was transformed by competition and private investment, breaking free from the shortages and lack of innovation of the old nationalized industry. The huge growth of the City would not have been possible with monopoly BT rationing service.

• The water industry modernised and spent more money on investment, but gains were limited by the lack of permitted competition.

Could we have more private infrastructure?

1. Telecoms – definitely Yes, and we are

2. Roads – problems with road pricing when the bulk of the system is free and will remain free

3. Railways – lack of investment return without guaranteed subsidy

4. Energy – Yes, but need for regulatory clarity and consistency

Why is so little private infrastructure started when so many say they want to invest?

1. Slow pace of planning and licences for large projects

2. Uncertainty over what an infrastructure investment looks like

3. Arguments over how much risk the private sector can and should take

What other forms of partnership make sense?

1. Design, build, operate schemes

2. Contracted out services

3. Provision of specialist services by private sector for public

4. General supply

How far should general supply go? The case of medicines

1. Research and development of new treatments

2. Manufacture of the drug

3. Supply to NHS central warehouse

4. Supply to ward or surgery just in time

5. Supply direct to out patient

6. Role in repeat prescription whilst preserving control of Dr

The world of the internet

Now the public sector is so reliant on private sector internet technology, service provision and date storage what does this do to the definition of public service and to the role of the public sector official?

1. Data generation

2. Data storage

3. Data processing

4. Data use

Remarks by President Donald Tusk at the press conference of the Brdo-Brijuni summit

Good evening. Let me first of all thank you President Ivanov for hosting us. It is a true pleasure and honour to be involved in the Brdo-Brijuni process.

Let me also acknowledge the relentless efforts of Presidents Grabar-Kitarović and Pahor and their personal engagement in this process. Reconciliation in this part of Europe is important for the whole continent, for our stability, peace and prosperity.

I will limit myself to only a few remarks.

This week I have been travelling through the entire region. I came to the Western Balkans with a clear message from the leaders of all European Union Member States: we remain steadfast in our offer of a European perspective to the region. You can count on us.

And these are not empty words. These are hard facts. Just an example: if we look at the Western Balkan countries’ total trade, 73% is with the EU. Twelve times bigger than China. 15 times more than Russia.

But of course the EU is not only about trade, investment and money. It is first and foremost about what kind of societies we want to be. Having lived the first part of my life under a communist regime, I have no doubt whatsoever about the best direction for citizens. But this is a choice, a decision, and work that only you in the region can undertake. Of course with the full support of your friends in the European Union.

Today, we discussed the importance of going further and enhancing connectivity within the region and with the European Union. We will continue these discussions next month in Sofia.

To conclude: positive developments are also possible in the Western Balkans. We have seen that recently with the border demarcation agreement between Pristina and Podgorica, as well as the Treaty on Friendship between Skopje and Sofia. We need more such positive developments.

During my roundtrip in the region, capital by capital, I have again become a cautious optimist. It is possible that the history of the Balkans, a kind of a never ending horror movie can turn into an Oscar winning production with “a happy end”.

What I heard today from Korea and what I have experienced here in the Balkans in the last days should be a positive memento to all: that the impossible can become possible, and that it depends entirely on the good will and courage of individual people. Thank you.