News story: MDP support Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) 2018 campaign

The ACT campaign, encourages the public to help the police tackle terrorism and save lives by reporting suspicious behaviour and activity.

With the enduring terrorist threat, it is now more important than ever that everyone, including all Ministry of Defence Police staff, plays their part in tackling terrorism.

Our actions could save lives. Communities defeat terrorism.

Speaking on the campaign T/Chief Constable Andy Adams said:

The core role of the MDP is the protection of the people and assets at the various Defence and national infrastructure sites where our officers are deployed across the UK. We cannot, however, do this in isolation. We need members of the public and the staff employed at the sites where we are located to report any unusual or suspicious behaviour that they see or hear. No report is a waste of time and any piece of information, no matter how small, could make the difference that enables us to disrupt and prevent a potential terrorist attack.

Ministry of Defence (MDP) crest logo. Crown Copyright
Crown Copyright

Like other criminals, terrorists need to plan.

To find out more about what could potentially be terrorist-related suspicious activity or behaviour visit the ACT campaign

If you see or hear something unusual or suspicious trust your instincts and ACT by reporting it in confidence at If it’s an emergency, call 999.

Don’t worry about wasting police time. Any piece of information could be important and it is better to be safe and report. No call or click will be ignored. What you tell the police is treated in the strictest confidence and is thoroughly researched by experienced officers before, and if, any police action is taken.

Remember to trust your instincts and ACT: Action Counters Terrorism.

The MDP will be further promoting the ACT campaign on Facebook and Twitter during the coming weeks.

Education Bureau’s response to media enquiries

     In response to media enquiries on non-local students applying for University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded undergraduate programmes by sitting the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) in the wake of an online media report today (March 22), a spokesperson of the Education Bureau said:

     Currently, the Government, through the eight UGC-funded universities, provides 15 000 first-year-first-degree intake places annually.  All these 15 000 intake places must be used for admitting local students.  In accordance with the prevailing policy, UGC-funded universities could only admit non-local students to UGC-funded programmes by way of over-enrollment of up to 20 percent of the total approved student number, irrespective of the academic qualifications or results of any given examination used by non-local students for their applications.  This 20 percent should all be outside the UGC-funded number. As such, non-local students would not compete with local students for UGC-funded intake places.

     It should be noted that, to ensure public money would not be used to cross-subsidise non-local students, non-local students are required to pay tuition fees at a higher level as compared to local students.  At present, non-local students are paying about three to four times the tuition fees paid by local students.     

CE meets Secretary of CPC Huizhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of Standing Committee of Huizhou Municipal People’s Congress (with photo)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met the Secretary of the CPC Huizhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Huizhou Municipal People’s Congress, Mr Chen Yiwei, at the Chief Executive’s Office this morning (March 22).
     Mrs Lam welcomed Mr Chen’s visit to Hong Kong. Noting that Hong Kong and Huizhou have all along had close trade and economic co-operation, she said that the ties between Hong Kong and Huizhou will be closer and travel between the two places will be more convenient with the completion of a number of cross-boundary infrastructure projects, in particular the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point.
     She said that the nine cities and two Special Administrative Regions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area each have their own distinctive advantages which enable them to complement each other. She expressed the hope that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area could be developed into a world-class bay area with the concerted efforts of all sides. Hong Kong and Huizhou may explore ways to strengthen co-operation in various aspects including innovation and technology, higher education, youth entrepreneurship and cultural tourism, she said.


HKETO Berlin celebrates Spring Festival with Hong Kong people in Berlin and Vienna (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Berlin (HKETO Berlin) held Chinese New Year gatherings for members of the Hong Kong community in Berlin and Vienna on March 19 (Berlin time) and 21 (Vienna time) respectively.
     About 170 Hong Kong residents attended the gatherings, including people who are living, working or studying in Berlin or Vienna, as well as young people who are on the working holiday schemes agreed between Hong Kong and Germany and Austria.
     At the gatherings, the Director of HKETO Berlin, Ms Betty Ho, talked about the latest developments in Hong Kong, especially the impending completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Express Rail Link (Hong Kong Section), which she noted would greatly enhance Hong Kong’s connectivity with the Mainland of China. She also encouraged the younger participants to make good use of their stay in Europe to widen their exposure and develop an international perspective, but with the many opportunities coming up in Hong Kong, Ms Ho said she looked forward to welcoming them back home in their future pursuit of careers and aspirations. To close her speech, Ms Ho wished everyone a happy and prosperous Year of the Dog.

About HKETO Berlin

     HKETO Berlin is the official Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government representative in commercial relations and other economic and trade matters in Germany as well as Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Photo  Photo  

Greens respond to Cambridge Analytica scandal, question EU ref legitimacy and highlight new EU privacy directive

22 March 2018

“The more we learn about the highly dubious and possibly downright illegal ways in which the Leave campaign manipulated voters, the less and less robust the result of the EU referendum appears” – Molly Scott Cato MEP

“People can take some comfort from the EU’s new GDPR legislation which will give internet users back control of their data and allow them to make properly informed choices about who they give it to and how it is used” -Keith Taylor MEP

“The new GDPR legislation is a great example of how we can work with our neighbours to help rebalance and democratise our online experiences by giving us back control of our data” – Jean Lambert MEP  

The UK’s Green MEPs have condemned Facebook for being “actively complicit” in the harvesting of millions of users’ data subsequently used by Cambridge Analytica to launch a “propaganda campaign” to “hijack democracy” in the US Presidential election and the UK referendum on EU membership.

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