Press release: Over 300 volunteer bailiffs help fight against illegal fishing

From Cornwall to Cumbria, an army of dedicated anglers is helping the fight against illegal fishing and fish theft. They are the recruits of the Angling Trust and Environment Agency’s Voluntary Bailiff Service (VBS) who act as the “eyes and ears” on riverbanks and lakes, reporting suspicious incidents and providing crucial information to the Environment Agency and the police.

VBS began as a pilot project in the South East in 2012 following a formal partnership between the Environment Agency and the Angling Trust. It was rolled out across the country in spring 2015 and, following inductions last autumn, proudly boasts more than 300 volunteers.

Bailiffs are unpaid and rigorously vetted before they are selected. Successful candidates receive an intensive training course on what is expected of them from enforcement professionals, including the Angling Trust, the Environment Agency and the Head of the UK National Wildlife Crime Unit.

Volunteers are trained on fisheries enforcement law, signs of illegal fishing and how to record information in a way that could be used as evidence. First-hand learning includes attending joint patrols with the police and Environment Agency.

Volunteers recently gained valuable experience when they joined police and Environment Agency Fisheries Enforcement Officers on a joint patrol of the River Severn and at a number of stillwaters. Even at a relatively quiet period of the year they found reports of illegal fishing.

It’s not just rod licence offenders that are being reported either. On other patrols people have been cautioned by the police for going equipped for poaching, motoring offences and possessing drugs and weapons.

Dilip Sarkar MBE, the Angling Trust’s National Enforcement Manager, said:

All of our volunteers are valued and we now have the sound foundation to move forward, increase engagement and provide more practical training. We have come a very long way, since the formal partnership and although we still have far to go, this activity is already making a difference.

Graeme Storey, National Fisheries Manager at the Environment Agency, said:

All money raised through rod licence sales is used to protect and improve fish stocks and fisheries benefiting anglers. The Voluntary Bailiff Service is our latest move to tackle illegal fishing and to protect that revenue. The vast majority of anglers who fish legally deserve to see those who flout the law brought to account but to that criminal minority our message is clear: we won’t hesitate to take action.

The Angling Trust and Environment Agency are appealing for more anglers to join the VBS. Induction and training days are being run this spring and anyone interested in joining the VBS should email

New ship to serve in Sansha

A new ship completed its maiden voyage on Monday from Shanghai to China’s southernmost island city of Sansha where it will serve.

The 32-meter vessel weighs 498 tonnes. It has endurance of 45 days and is able to resist gales with speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour, according to its captain Yin Minzeng.

It was designed to help extinguish fires on the sea, tow vessels that lose power and assist law-enforcement vessels. In addition, it will provide supplies for islands of Sansha.

Sansha City was established in 2012 to administer islets and reefs in the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha islet groups as well as waters in this area.

Greens condemn Trump’s shameful ban on Muslims and refugees

30 January 2017

Dear Editor,

It’s mortifying that the Prime Minister was photographed hand in hand on Holocaust Memorial Day with a US President who, later that day, signed an executive order which places an immediate ban on immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries and all refugees entering the USA.

The order, which is called ‘Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States’, also states that prohibition would not apply to non-Muslims and that Christians fleeing persecution would be prioritised for resettlement.

These measures are a barbaric attack on Muslims in the USA, from the countries which are now banned and on all Muslims around the world. It stamps upon all principles of liberty and civil rights and undermines the value system upon which all our democracies is based.

As Greens here in the UK we are ashamed that the highest elected official of our country visited the USA during this time and then spectacularly failed to take a serious stand against such hatred.

We call upon our Prime Minister to immediately condemn the order in the strongest. Half-baked statements simply aren’t good enough.  All who value human rights must stand up against this alarming act, the rise in hatred it represents and these clear stirrings towards fascism.

Caroline Lucas MP, Co-Leader

Jonathan Bartley, Co-Leader

Baroness Jenny Jones

Molly Scott-Cato MEP

Sian Berry AM

Caroline Russell AM

Ousman Noor, Campaigns Coordinator, London Green Party

Published in the Guardian

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Large Neolithic site discovered in NW China

Archaeologists have discovered a large Neolithic ruin dating back more than 5,000 years in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.

The site, covering over one million square meters, was found in Yulin City following a six-month excavation, according to the provincial archaeology institute.

Dwellings and ditches made between 3000 B.C. and 1000 B.C. have been discovered in seven sites.

The ruin is identified as belonging to the late Yangshao Culture period and the early Longshan Culture period of the Neolithic Age.

The Yangshao Culture originated on the middle reaches of the Yellow River and is considered an important part of Chinese civilization.

Shaanxi has 2,040 ruins of the Yangshao Culture, accounting for 40 percent of the country’s total.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward



Blackness Road/Glamis Road – temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for gas main renewal.

Greenmarket – prohibition of right turn into South Marketgait on Thursday 2 February from 9.00pm   6.00am for BT cabling works.

Nethergate (eastbound from South Tay Street to West Marketgait) – closed on Thursday 2 February from 9.00pm   6.00am for BT cabling works.

Hyndford Street – temporary traffic lights from Thursday 2 February for 3 days for water main repair.