Xi urges all Chinese to contribute to national rejuvenation

President Xi Jinping has called for all Chinese, whether at home or abroad, to unite toward achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xi made the remarks in a written instruction delivered at a national meeting on overseas Chinese affairs held in Beijing Friday.

It has been a key task for the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state to encourage overseas Chinese as well as returned Chinese and their relatives to play a positive role in realizing the great revival of the Chinese nation, said Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

Xi acknowledged that Party committees, governments and authorities working for overseas Chinese affairs at all levels play an important part in protecting the rights of such groups, as they support the nation’s development and peaceful reunification, and boost friendly cooperation between China and other countries.

Xi called on people working for overseas Chinese affairs to make the most of the strength of returned overseas Chinese and those still residing abroad, in a bid to make greater contribution to realizing the country’s “two centenary goals” and the Chinese dream of great national renewal.

Premier Li Keqiang called on government departments in charge of overseas Chinese affairs to unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core throughout the 13th Five-Year Plan period, urging them to play a greater role in national economic and social development and in promoting national reunification, according to his written instruction read at the same meeting.

The meeting also honored outstanding entities and individuals from overseas Chinese affairs authorities nationwide.

Xi calls for overall national security outlook

President Xi Jinping on Friday called for an overall national security outlook at a seminar in Beijing, emphasizing security concerns related to politics, the economy, sovereignty, society, and the Internet, among others.

Xi, who heads the National Security Commission (NSC), presided over the seminar on national security on Friday. Premier Li Keqiang and top legislator Zhang Dejiang, the two deputy heads of the NSC, were present at the seminar.

UK retail sales up 4.6% in volume and value (excluding motor fuel)

The figures for the last three months compared to a year earlier still show good growth and no retail price inflation, with both volume and value figures up 4.6%. Add in motor fuel where oil prices have soared and volume growth is 3.8%.

Press release: Wiltshire site owner fined for obstructing Environment Agency staff

Trying to stop Environment Agency staff from doing their jobs saw a businessman convicted of obstruction.

Bart Critchly-Clark, of Mill Lane, Monkton Combe, Bath, initially allowed environmental officers onto his premises at Riverway in Trowbridge. But after it was explained they were there to investigate claims of an illegal waste site, he became uncooperative. He refused to give his address. He refused to give his date of birth. And to stop officers from taking photographs of the premises, Critchly-Clark closed the entrance shutters.

To operate a business which manages waste, you must have an environmental permit from the Environment Agency. It details what can and cannot be done, to prevent impact on the environment and local community. To enforce this, Environment Agency staff have legal powers of entry and inspection.

In this case, the Environment Agency officers returned the next day, accompanied by police officers, gained access and finished their investigation.

Critchly-Clark pleaded guilty to a charge of intentional obstruction of an environment officer under the Environment Act 1995 and was fined £200 and ordered to pay £330 costs at Swindon Magistrates Court on 31 January.

Environment officer Huw Williams said:

The majority of the businesses we visit are welcoming and happy to work with us. But the Environment Agency has a zero tolerance approach to obstruction and threatening behaviour on our staff and we will not hesitate to prosecute.

Temporary Traffic Order – Shaftesbury Road

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Shaftesbury Road (from Seymour Street to approx. 35 metres in a westerly direction), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Tuesday 21 February 2017 for three working days.

No pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Diversion routes for vehicles and pedestrians are available via Seymour Street / Speed Street / Hyndford Street.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council