Tsinghua University rejects foreign student admission criticism

Tsinghua University has denied suggestions the university’s new system of admission for international applicants has made it easier for foreign students to get a chance to study in the university, reports People’s Daily.

A heated debate was triggered after media reported that an updated procedure had been adopted for the university’s international student recruitment.

According to the new rules regarding undergraduate programs, applicants will be admitted by Tsinghua University if he or she passes two hurdles: the ‘Online Application’ and a ‘Comprehensive Evaluation’, which includes an ‘Application Review’ and ‘Interview’.

Outstanding applicants recognized by Tsinghua University may have the interview waived and get an offer directly.

One of the main differences from the previous year’s rules is that applicants don’t have to take academic tests.

Some critics say this has made it much easier for foreigners to get into Tsinghua University, especially those who are originally Chinese.

In response, the university has said the new rules do not lower standards for international applicants.

Applicants are required to provide a National/Regional Graduation Examination/Matriculation Examination Certificate.

If applicants don’t have that certificate, they have to provide the GPA and/or the academic ranking certification from their high school.

Applicants should also have passed HSK Level 5 or above, scoring over 60 points in each subject.

For those applicants who have only reached HSK Level 4, they will have to attain Level 5 or above in each subject, scoring over 60 points within the first academic year at Tsinghua University. Students who do not achieve this will have to leave the university.

For those who have given up their original Chinese citizenship and have become foreign citizens, the applicant should have lived overseas for at least 2 years out four, before April 30th in the year they are admitted by Tsinghua University.

In addition, Tsinghua University stresses that it will offer admission to around 3,300 undergraduates from the Chinese mainland this year. The number of international undergraduates will be almost the same as in previous years. The number of domestic students won’t be affected by international student recruitment.

Around 39 majors in 19 schools at Tsinghua University are open to international applicants at the undergraduate level.

Currently, around 286 international undergraduates are studying at the university.

News story: Defence Secretary: Britain committed to leading European security

Sir Michael told the annual Munich Security Conference that while Britain is leaving the European Union, the UK would not be stepping back from its role in European security.

Britain’s leadership this year is demonstrated by two new major commitments to the NATO Alliance:

  • Leading NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, otherwise known as the ‘spearhead force’. This UK-led NATO Brigade is ready and willing to respond to any threat the Alliance faces and shows how NATO is strengthening its collective defence and deterrence.

  • Deploying a battle group of around 800 personnel to lead in Estonia NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence, another way in which NATO is stepping up to deter threats. Britain will deploy as part of the battle group the United States is leading in Poland, with over 100 troops.

The Defence Secretary also met with his German counterpart, Ursula von der Leyen, where he discussed the unprecedented level of cooperation between the two countries. Sir Michael also welcomed Germany’s commitment to increase its defence spending.

Sir Michael, along with the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, yesterday launched Britain’s new strategy for engaging more internationally in defence activity.

The International Defence Engagement Strategy is the way in which all defence activity, short of combat operations, work abroad to prevent conflict, build stability and gain influence internationally.

Speaking at the Munich Secretary Conference, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said:

Britain is committed to Europe’s security, and we’re stepping up our engagement internationally. Whether defeating Daesh in Iraq and Syria, deploying with our NATO Allies to deter threats, or engaging globally to help countries develop their security, Britain is playing a major role – and will continue to do so.

The Defence Secretary also confirmed that Britain would keep the momentum up in the fight against Daesh. In Iraq and Syria, the RAF are flying day and night to defeat Daesh.

The RAF hit over 300 targets as part of recent operations to liberate eastern Mosul, and is now focussing efforts on the approaches to the west of the city, where it is expected the liberation operation will begin within days.

Environment minister urges crack-down on high-emission vehicles

China’s environment minister has urged strict monitoring and crack-down on automobiles with excessive exhaust emissions to improve air quality.

Emissions from mobile sources, such as heavy diesel trucks and old cars, make up a large part of air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, said Chen Jining, minister of environmental protection, while inspecting an auto emission management center in Beijing Friday.

The Chinese capital is working to build a city-level environmental monitoring system over automobiles to comprehensively control emissions from mobile sources.

Chen called for accelerating the establishment of a national regulation platform for automobile emissions with a technical support system, as well as a network that monitors high-emission vehicles all the time and from all angles.

He said drivers or owners of vehicles with excessive exhaust emissions should be severely punished in accordance with the law and relevant punishment details will be made public.

Automobile emissions contribute 31.1 percent of Beijing’s average PM2.5 density. With a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, the particulate matter has been a primary factor behind hazardous smog.

News story: Defence Secretary calls on NATO to be fitter, faster, more agile

Attending the annual Munich Security Conference, Sir Michael said the Alliance should not wait for another crisis before it modernises itself.

Calling for an ambitious programme of change, the Defence Secretary outlined three areas for a fitter, faster, more agile NATO:

  • Greater flexibility for NATO’s top commanders, including the power to move more staff resources around to meet current and future threats.

  • Less duplication – the Alliance has five financial control centres.

  • Increased coherence – Sir Michael outlined that while improvements were being made, particularly in the merging of intelligence structures, more needed to be done to break down silos.

Describing Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 as a “wake up call” for NATO, the Defence Secretary said NATO members needed to invest more on defence and called on Allies to increase spending every year until the 2% Defence Investment Pledge, agreed at the UK hosted NATO summit in 2014, is met.

At the same time NATO should strengthen its relationships with other organisations, particularly the EU, while avoiding duplication.

Defence Secretary also called on NATO to project stability beyond its borders, by working globally to improve the security areas of fragile nations.

Speaking last night at the conference, Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said:

We want a fitter, faster, more agile NATO. This means more spending on defence by all the Allies, faster, more flexible decision making, and stronger partnerships.

Britain yesterday launched its International Defence Engagement Strategy, which contained a new plan for how the UK will strengthen cooperation with Allies and partners, allowing Britain to collectively pack a more powerful punch.

Consultation for robust domestic violence legislation is much needed and long overdue – Champion

Sarah Champion MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, responding to the announcement of new moves to tackle domestic violence, said:

“We are pleased the Government are finally starting the consultation for robust domestic violence legislation. This is much needed and long overdue.

“Key to the success of this announcement is making sure resources are in place for policing, supporting victims & for preventing domestic violence.
“Domestic violence refuges aren’t centrally funded by Government.  This has led to inconsistent over quality & local provision. Everyone deserves a place of safety if they are forced to flee their home and sadly this can’t currently be guaranteed.”