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HSL: The Way Forward – Excelling in Health and Safety Culture and Leadership – Buxton, 19 July 2017

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HSL is to run a 1 day course on The Way Forward – Excelling in Health and Safety Culture and Leadership.

ETC Venues – Marble Arch
Garfield House
W2 2EA

19 July 2017


  • Have your reached a plateau in health and safety performance?
  • Do you have an understanding of how good your health and safety culture is?
  • Do you understand the impact of leadership on your health and safety culture?
  • Are you seeking to improve how your business leads on health and safety?
  • How confident are you in your ability to lead others to achieve health and safety cultural excellence?

What sort of leader are you? A variety of terms are used to describe the best leadership style: transactional, transformational, authentic, and resonant, to name a few. But what do these terms mean and which is the best?

HSL have undertaken research in the field of health and safety leadership, which identifies it as requiring a distinct set of competencies. Drawing on HSL’s expertise as psychologists and human factors experts, this event will help you develop your understanding of these competencies. Coupled with an understanding of what excellent health and safety culture looks like, this event will help you in driving a consistent approach to health and safety leadership within your business.

This event will:

  • Explore delegates’ views on what health and safety culture is, reflecting on the importance of a just culture and the need to aspire towards becoming a high reliability organisation
  • Define health and safety culture, reflecting on psychological, behavioural and situational components
  • Safety culture and your business: enable you to understand the factors that can influence the development of a positive health and safety culture.
  • Know how important it is to have an effective health and safety management system
  • Consider methods that you might use to assess H&S culture and climate, including the use of KPIs, SPIs, leading and lagging indicators
  • Know how important leadership is for health and safety culture
  • Identify the key health and safety values and associated standards required for effective health and safety leadership introducing HSL’s evidence based leadership model
  • Give you an opportunity to reflect on your own leadership style and identify specific competencies [1] that you feel you need to meet the identified standards

You will leave the event with the knowledge required to reflect and enhance your own leadership skills, influence those of others and positively influence your organisation’s health and safety culture and therefore business performance.

Event delivery

The event will be delivered by HSL consultants/trainers who are experts in the field of health and safety culture and leadership. The trainers will draw upon their experiences of working with a variety of industries and organisational sizes both within the UK and globally.

Who should attend?

Those with responsibility at any level for leading and managing in the field of health and safety e.g. Chief executives, H&S Directors, Operations Directors, HR managers, H&S managers, H&S professionals.


ETC Venues – Marble Arch
Garfield House
W2 2EA


The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

[1] Competency refers to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour required.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>- <!–[endif]–>Give you an opportunity to reflect on your own leadership style and identify specific competencies that you feel you need to meet the identified standards

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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Green MEP launches post-Brexit agriculture reports and calls for ‘green tape’ as Leadsom attacks 'red tape’

21 February 2017

Green MEP Molly Scott Cato, a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, has launched two reports on ideas for the future of farming post-Brexit. The launch comes on the day the National Union of Farmers begin their annual conference in Birmingham, where Defra Secretary, Andrea Leadsom, again attacked the EU for ‘tying farmers up in red tape’. She also called for a system based on simpler, more effective rules, where farmers will be ‘free to grow more, sell more and export more.’  

However, Ms Leadsom offered farmers no clear plan on farming post-Brexit and Dr Scott Cato says that questions to the government reveal they lack ideas on the future of farming after the UK leaves the EU.

The two reports – one by the Soil Association; the other by Simon Fairlie of the Land Workers’ Alliance – foresee a future where policies put soil health and biodiversity first, and where the way we use land helps tackle climate change. They say that to achieve this, farmers will need to receive at least as much money as they currently get through the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). Molly Scott Cato said:

“Like Ms Leadsom, I don’t want farmers tied up in red tape, but we do need to bind ourselves in some green tape.We need to ensure land management protects and improves our soils, encourages biodiversity, and helps tackle climate change. The reports I have launched today contain a wealth of ideas on how we can achieve this.

“They also call for direct payments based on land area to be scrapped; instead future payments would to be based on paying farmers for the public benefits they provide and for protecting the environment.

“With the government planning to remove us from the single market where around 65% of total UK agricultural exports are sold, platitudes about growing more, selling more and exporting more will ring hollow for most farmers.

“These reports show how to move UK agriculture away from a dependence on export markets and towards creating thriving rural communities by supporting family farms and relocalising food production. Brexit could be a unique opportunity to move towards an ecologically and economically sustainable farming system, but the government seems determined to move us in the wrong direction.”

Dr Tom MacMillan, Director of Innovation at the Soil Association, said:

“We’re hearing a fair bit of consensus from farming, nature and public interest groups on the big principles for agricultural policy after we leave the CAP – that the public expect high standards on animal welfare, for example, and that public money should pay for public benefits. What’s missing are practical and inspiring ideas that seize the chance to make a better fist of it, and face up to monumental challenges like climate change. So we’ve tried to set out a few game-changing ideas in our report”.


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Today’s figures show the Government’s debt still rising, seven years after the Tories started their austerity agenda – Peter Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, commenting on today’s ONS public sector finance figures, said:

“Today’s figures show the Government’s debt still rising, seven years after the Tories started their austerity agenda, and two years after they said they would balance the books.

“It’s clear that their slash and burn approach to public spending has not only given us a crisis in NHS and social care but also failed as an approach to reducing Government debt.

“Labour’s Fiscal Credibility Rule gives us a firm commitment to addressing the public finances while investing in our economy for the future as part of our programme to rebuild and transform Britain.”

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