
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Ofcom’s proposal to cut landline prices by at least £5 is a step in the right direction – Watson

Tom Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, commenting on Ofcom’s review of standalone landline costs, said

“It’s a scandal that service providers have increased landline prices year on year despite benefiting from significant decreases in wholesale costs so Ofcom’s proposal to cut landline prices by at least £5 is a step in the right direction.

“Landlines are important to households across the country, and the elderly and vulnerable in particular. We need to see a fairer deal for consumers and the Government must act to put safeguards in place to prevent future increases above inflation.

“This landline rip-off can’t go on any longer.”

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Green Party: Budget cuts and Brexit combined could bring UK to its knees

28 February 2017

The Green Party has responded to news Government departments will face yet more cuts [1].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“The Government is already asking its departments to do the impossible, with demands they do more with less, which is stretching the country to breaking point. By forcing through yet more cuts the Government is creating an ever increasing downward spiral, exacerbating need but removing the means to deal with it.

“The Conservatives are already punishing local authorities for its Government’s own failure, with the crisis facing social care just one example of the damaging impact its budget slashing is having on people who need help and support the most.

“Add into this mix the demands of Brexit and it is almost impossible to see how the country will not be brought to its knees.”


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