
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Press release: PM meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan: 1 March 2017

The Prime Minister met His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan at Downing Street today.

They both welcomed the historic and strong ties between the UK and Jordan and the close partnership we have developed over many years on areas such as security and defence.

On Syria, they noted the importance of securing a lasting ceasefire, and reiterated that political talks are essential to reaching a settlement that can bring about a long-term solution to the conflict.

They also discussed the vital regional role Jordan is playing in hosting Syrian refugees. The Prime Minister assured King Abdullah that the UK will continue to support Jordan in these efforts and encourage others to do the same, including through the Brussels Conference in April.

On wider regional issues, the Prime Minister reinforced the UK’s commitment to working with all parties to bring about a two state solution in the Middle East, and they agreed on the need for inclusive political settlements in Iraq and in Yemen as the only way to ensure long-term stability. They also discussed progress in the wider campaign to defeat Daesh.

They ended by committing to further deepen the bilateral partnership for mutual benefit, for example on intelligence and counter-radicalisation.

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Today’s leak is deeply worrying for the 1,160 workers at Ford’s Bridgend plant who may lose their jobs by 2021 – Rebecca Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on a leaked report which reveals over a thousand jobs are at risk at Ford’s Bridgend base, said:  

‘’Today’s leak is deeply worrying for the 1,160 workers at Ford’s Bridgend plant who may lose their jobs by 2021.

“The Government must urgently provide further details of the dialogue they have had with Ford and provide much needed assurances to the families who will be affected.

“It is becoming clearer each week that the Government’s approach is to jump from crisis to crisis and offer assurances to individual companies on a piecemeal basis. This is failing to give the manufacturing sector the certainty it so needs.’’

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Jeremy Corbyn works with European socialist parties in government to lobby for rights of British people in EU and EU citizens in the UK

Jeremy Corbyn works with European socialist parties in government to lobby for rights of British people in EU and EU citizens in the UK.

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, is coordinating EU-wide efforts by socialist parties to protect the rights of UK citizens living in the EU and EU citizens living in the UK.

Today, Jeremy has written to leaders of seven European socialist parties, allied to Labour and in government, to lobby, at every level of the EU, for the rights of British citizens abroad and to reaffirm Labour’s commitment to the rights of EU residents in the UK.

The letters follow discussions Jeremy Corbyn initiated at a Party of European Socialists conference that Labour hosted in London last week.

With the British government likely to trigger Article 50 in the coming weeks and negotiations around Britain’s future relationship with the EU about to begin, millions of people across the EU are uncertain and fearful about what the future holds for them. 

In the letters, he appeals to the “common voice” of socialist parties across Europe to help guarantee the rights of “around 3 million EU Citizens, living, working and contributing greatly in our societies” and “an estimated 1.5 million British people living in different parts of the European mainland.”

Theresa May has resisted Labour calls for the government to act unilaterally to guarantee the rights of EU citizens in the UK. It currently looks likely to take the issue of rights for EU migrants in the UK and British migrants in the EU into what could be a difficult and unpredictable period of negotiations.

Corbyn states this is the reason he is writing “as a friend and sister party colleague” asking “for you and your government to work formally with other socialist colleagues in the EU council and insist that the current rights of both EU and British citizens are guaranteed and insist this decision is the first to be made once Article 50 is triggered.”

“As socialist parties, we all agree that we must work together to make sure the basic values we share are fully represented in a final agreement between Britain and the EU. Therefore I see no better way to start by making this issue a key priority for us in the coming months, we cannot allow our citizens, our neighbours and our friends be subject to further uncertainty or be used as a bargaining chip.”

“We as socialists must stand up for the rights of everybody and I am confident this can be done through the Brexit process and beyond, if we stay true to our beliefs and work together.


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