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Smoking banned in hotel for delegates

The ashtrays and matches in the guest rooms at Jingxi Hotel, one of the designated hotels for deputies to the National People’s Congress, have been removed this year.

The small move, for Shen Jinjin, an NPC deputy and a longtime anti-tobacco campaigner, is a big step forward in tobacco control.

As an NPC deputy for the past decade, he brought forward various suggestions to combat smoking, some of which have been accepted, such as the 100 percent smoking ban in public places introduced by Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai.

“We’ve seen strong restrictive measures over tobacco advertising in the new Advertising Law,” added Shen, head of the Disease Control and Prevention Center in Yancheng, Jiangsu province.

“At the two sessions over the years, positive changes can be seen,” he said.

Previously, participants in the two sessions even smoked during group discussions in the meeting rooms, and ashtrays and matches were widely placed.

In that scenario, “I would stop people politely and deliver anti-smoking messages, particularly the proven health-related hazards,” he said. “NPC deputies are usually influential and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to spread the message of tobacco control.”

As a veteran public health worker, Shen knows well the negative health impacts from smoking and the huge medical bills from treating smoking-related diseases.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission estimates that more than 1 million Chinese die from smoking-related diseases each year.

With more information becoming available to the public, a consensus about smoking control has been gradually reached in China, the world’s largest cigarette producer and consumer.

In 2015, Beijing passed the country’s strongest anti-smoking law, and delegates to the two sessions thereafter became able to enjoy a truly smoke-free environment in the city.

“Now they can only smoke outside the hotel, despite the chilly and windy weather here in early March,” he said.

Also, they began to accept a controlled way of smoking and “some smoking deputies even co-signed my motion urging the country to pass a State-level anti-smoking law,” he noted.

Beijing pioneered the introduction of strong smoking bans in public places, which should be expanded nationwide, he urged.

“We have the knowledge that smoking harms health and we have wide support from the public for smoking controls. Why is it so difficult to make a national law?” he said.

In November, Mao Qun’an, spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the nation’s top health authority, said a national law would be enacted in 2016-and though the commission was charged to draft such a law, it didn’t.

Shen blamed that on interference from the tobacco industry, a major source of tax revenue for the government. “The fight is not over, and I will keep up the effort,” he said.

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Chinese federation holds Women’s Day gathering

A gathering celebrating International Women’s Day is held in Beijing, capital of China, March 7, 2017. The All-China Women’s Federation held a gathering attended by Chinese women from various circles and foreign diplomats here on Tuesday ahead of International Women’s Day. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei) 


The All-China Women’s Federation held a gathering attended by Chinese women from various circles and foreign diplomats here on Tuesday ahead of International Women’s Day.

The federation has carried out the decisions made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and pushed forward reform to better serve women over the past year, said the federation’s president Shen Yueyue in a speech.

Shen, who is also vice chair of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, said the federation will unify and lead the country’s women to follow the Party and make new contributions to welcome the 19th CPC National Congress, slated for later this year.

China is willing to work together with women worldwide in building a community of shared future, she added.

More than 1,000 people were present at the event to observe International Women’s Day on March 8.

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The latest NHS staff survey demonstrates again the enormous pressures facing people working in our health service – Justin Madders

Justin Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister, responding to the NHS Staff Survey 2016, said:

“The latest NHS staff survey demonstrates again the enormous pressures facing the people working in our health service in the face of Theresa May’s neglect and lack of interest. The Government’s endless underfunding of the NHS and demands on staff to do more and more with less is taking its toll and stretching workers to breaking point.

“The Government urgently need a plan to give our brilliant NHS staff the support they need at work. It should be a badge of shame for Theresa May that morale in the NHS is so low. The Prime Minister ought to be using her first Budget to help NHS workers so that they feel valued in their work and are able to care for patients to the best of their abilities without the fear of illness or harassment. The winter crisis would have been so much worse without the dedication of NHS staff but this survey is a clear warning that they cannot go on endlessly without more support.”

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