
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Montenegro

2015 – present FCO, Temporary duties in the Middle East & North Africa, Finance and Prosperity Directorates 2013 – 2015 Sana’a, Deputy Head of Mission 2013 Full time language training (Arabic) 2010 – 2012 FCO, Head of Policy Unit, National Security, Middle East, North Africa & South Asia 2008 – 2010 FCO, Deputy Director Estates & Sustainability, Estates and Security Department 2007 Kurdistan Region & Northern Iraq, Consul General 2006 – 2007 Liberia, Political Chargé 2004 – 2005 FCO, Near East Team Leader, Arab, Israel North Africa Group 2002 – 2004 FCO, Head of Political Team, Afghanistan Unit 1999 – 2002 Colombo, Second Secretary Political 1997 – 1998 FCO, Desk Officer Greece and Cyprus 1997 Joined FCO read more

The Government must deliver the broadband infrastructure that UK homes and businesses need – Tom Watson

Tom Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, commenting on the announcement of an agreement for Openreach to legally separate from BT, said:

“This is a welcome announcement that must now deliver for customers, far too many of whom don’t have access to broadband or put up with a poor quality service.  

“The Government’s failure to create healthy competition in the UK’s digital market has caused the rollout of broadband to be far too slow and millions of British households and businesses have paid the price, at a cost of billions of pounds to the economy.

“While the legal separation of Openreach from BT is clearly a good thing for consumers we must also ensure it works for Openreach’s 32,000 employees and the Government must work with CWU to ensure that jobs, pensions and terms and conditions are protected.

“Now the separation has been agreed the Government must waste no time in delivering the broadband infrastructure that UK homes and businesses so badly need.”

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