
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Recording of the week: a Welsh kibbutz?!

This week’s selection comes from Dr Cai Parry-Jones, Curator of Oral History. In this extract, Holocaust survivor, Judith Steinberg, talks about her husband who arrived in Britain in 1939 on the Kindertransport from Germany. Steinberg’s husband was one of 200 Jewish refugee children who spent their early war years living… read more

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward



Perth Road (at Roseangle) – temporary traffic lights on Sunday 12 March for Scottish Water mains repair.


Perth Road (at Arnhall Drive) – temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for gas main renewal.

Blackness Road (at Rosefield Street) – temporary traffic lights for until midweek  for Scottish Water mains renewal.

Nethergate (West Marketgait to South Tay Street) – closed for 2 weeks for carriageway resurfacing works.

SSE Glenagnes Cable Renewal – Lochee Road lane restrictions and closures on Blinshall Street, Fleuchar Street and Scott Street from Monday 6 March for 5 months.

Perth Road (at Springfield) – temporary traffic lights for one week for footway works.

Patons Lane (Magdalen Yard Road for 40m North) – closed from Monday 13 March for 5 working days for gas service connection works.
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We need concrete measures now to improve mental health and restore safety in our prisons – Yasmin Qureshi

Labour’s Shadow Justice Minister, Yasmin Qureshi MP, responding to The Royal College of Psychiatrists’ warning that psychiatric care in prisons is at breaking point,  said:

“Prison suicides in 2016 were at the highest level ever recorded. Incidents of self-harm are also on the increase. This is hardly surprising given that the psychiatrists who work in prisons feel unable to do their job.  Poor mental health, combined with a lack of prison staff, is endangering inmates, officers, and healthcare professionals.  Friday’s fire at Guys Marsh attests to the acute nature of the crisis.

“The Justice Secretary must recognise that there is nothing in the Prisons and Courts Bill to deal with this worsening situation.  We need concrete measures now to improve mental health and restore safety in our prisons.”

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The government must produce an International Trade White Paper and give urgent clarity what their plans are for our future international trade – Barry Gardiner

Barry Gardiner MP, Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade, commenting on this week’s inaugural Commonwealth Trade Ministers meeting said:

“The Commonwealth Trade Ministers meeting further demonstrates that the government is actively holding discussions with potential trading partners on our future trading relations. Although the government has told us their plan for Brexit, they have not presented to Parliament and the British people what their plan is for international trade. We’ve been promised an ‘independent trade policy’ from the Secretary of State for International Trade, however, this has not been disclosed.

“The government must produce an International Trade White Paper and give urgent clarity what their plans are for our future international trade, outlining negotiating principles and trade policy objectives.

“To this end, I have written to the Secretary of State for International Trade calling for him to urgently publish an International Trade White Paper and to address key unanswered questions about the government’s international trade policy.”

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Banning bots is a welcome announcement that is long overdue, but a single fix won’t solve the problems of the broken ticket market – Tom Watson

Tom Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for culture, media and sport, commenting on the announcement on banning bots in ticketing, said:

“Banning bots is a welcome announcement that is long overdue, but a single fix won’t solve the problems of the broken ticket market.

“The package of measures needs to focus on tougher enforcement of existing regulation to stop big ticket companies flouting the rules without suffering any consequences.

“This is a significant development in the long running battle to ensure fairness for fans but we’ll keep campaigning for the comprehensive set of measures needed to finally end the big ticket rip off.”

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