Press release: Port of Boston announce full support of Boston Barrier Scheme

The Port of Boston has today announced its full backing of the proposed Boston Barrier and has formally withdrawn its objection to the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application made by the Environment Agency in August 2016.

This comes after extensive discussions between the Environment Agency and the Port around the proposed Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) which will go to a public inquiry next month.

The multi-million pound Boston Barrier is part of the Boston Combined Strategy that will reduce the risk of tidal flooding to over 17,000 properties in the area.

Boston Barrier Director, Adam Robinson said:

We’re delighted to be working alongside the Port of Boston, the statutory Harbour Authority, to secure consent and enable the delivery of such an important scheme for the town of Boston, following the December 2013 tidal surge where many properties and businesses were affected.

The Port has agreed that the Environment Agency can provide temporary berthing facilities for use by the Boston fishing fleet during construction of the proposed Barrier. They are also working with the them to ensure that the sequencing of the Barrier construction works would allow the Port’s operations to continue in a safe and efficient manner throughout the construction programme.

Representative of the Port of Boston, Neil Harris said:

We are pleased to announce today that we are fully supportive of the Boston Barrier Scheme that the Environment Agency are promoting for the town of Boston.

We have been working closely with the Environment Agency throughout the optioneering and development phases of the Boston Barrier Scheme and we will continue to work together during the detailed design and construction stage, particularly in relation to ensuring the continued safe navigation of all vessels on the Haven.

There will be some disruption to navigation during key construction activities, but the Port is confident these can be managed and kept to a minimum through continued partnership working with the Environment Agency and their contractor. Safety of navigation will be a priority at all times.

The Public Inquiry for the proposed Transport and Works Act Order starts on the 19th April at:

Boston Barrier Hub

Marsh Lane

PE21 7PJ

To view the Environment Agency’s Statement of Case and supporting documents visit:

Notes for editors:

To find out more:
Drop into the Boston Barrier hub every Wednesday from 12-7pm at:

Boston Barrier Hub

Marsh Lane

PE21 7PJ


Call: 07769937012

Twitter: @BostonBarrierEA


Press release: Port of Boston announce full support of Boston Barrier Scheme

The Port of Boston has today announced its full backing of the proposed Boston Barrier and has formally withdrawn its objection to the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application made by the Environment Agency in August 2016.

This comes after extensive discussions between the Environment Agency and the Port around the proposed Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) which will go to a public inquiry next month.

The multi-million pound Boston Barrier is part of the Boston Combined Strategy that will reduce the risk of tidal flooding to over 17,000 properties in the area.

Boston Barrier Director, Adam Robinson said:

We’re delighted to be working alongside the Port of Boston, the statutory Harbour Authority, to secure consent and enable the delivery of such an important scheme for the town of Boston, following the December 2013 tidal surge where many properties and businesses were affected.

The Port has agreed that the Environment Agency can provide temporary berthing facilities for use by the Boston fishing fleet during construction of the proposed Barrier. They are also working with the them to ensure that the sequencing of the Barrier construction works would allow the Port’s operations to continue in a safe and efficient manner throughout the construction programme.

Representative of the Port of Boston, Neil Harris said:

We are pleased to announce today that we are fully supportive of the Boston Barrier Scheme that the Environment Agency are promoting for the town of Boston.

We have been working closely with the Environment Agency throughout the optioneering and development phases of the Boston Barrier Scheme and we will continue to work together during the detailed design and construction stage, particularly in relation to ensuring the continued safe navigation of all vessels on the Haven.

There will be some disruption to navigation during key construction activities, but the Port is confident these can be managed and kept to a minimum through continued partnership working with the Environment Agency and their contractor. Safety of navigation will be a priority at all times.

The Public Inquiry for the proposed Transport and Works Act Order starts on the 19th April at:

Boston Barrier Hub

Marsh Lane

PE21 7PJ

To view the Environment Agency’s Statement of Case and supporting documents visit:

Notes for editors:

To find out more:
Drop into the Boston Barrier hub every Wednesday from 12-7pm at:

Boston Barrier Hub

Marsh Lane

PE21 7PJ


Call: 07769937012

Twitter: @BostonBarrierEA


This Tory Government needs to recognise the value of the Serious Fraud Office – Nick Thomas-Symonds

Thomas-Symonds MP, Labour’s Shadow Solicitor-General
, commenting on
the Government’s failure to guarantee the SFO’s (Serious Fraud Office) future
as an independent entity, said:

Tory Government needs to recognise the value of the Serious Fraud Office and
its importance to our international reputation for tackling cases of bribery
and corruption. 

would be a grave mistake to dispose of the SFO and its unique structure.
Ministers must provide clarity on its future immediately.” 

Ruth: Sturgeon’s referendum should not take place

16 Mar 2017

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson MSP speaking during First Minister's Questions held in the Scottish parliament, Edinburgh today. 09 June 2016. Pic - Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament

Scotland does not want to go back to the “division and uncertainty” of another referendum, Nicola Sturgeon was told today.

At First Minister’s Questions, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said the party would reject the proposals set out by the SNP on Monday.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“The Scottish Conservatives reject the proposals set out by the First Minister on Monday.

“A referendum cannot happen when the people of Scotland have not been given the opportunity to see how our new relationship with the European Union is working.

“And it should not take place when there is no clear political or public consent for it to happen.

“Our country does not want to go back to the divisions and uncertainty of the last few years.

“Another referendum campaign will not solve the challenges this country will face.

“We don’t want it. We don’t need it.”

Press release: Spam email alert

It has been brought to our attention that some people have received spam emails, purportedly sent from an email account, prompting them to confirm their payment details via PayPal.

Please be aware that we will never ask for any fees to be paid to us through PayPal. If you receive a suspicious email like this one, please delete it immediately and take no further action.