Caroline Lucas: George Osborne must resign as MP

17 March 2017

* Caroline Lucas demands answers from Prime Minister over appointment of George Osborne as Evening Standard editor

* Lucas: “By taking this job George Osborne has shown contempt for his constituents.”

Caroline Lucas MP has called for George Osborne to resign as an MP saying his appointment as London Evening Standard editor raises questions about his ability to serve as an MP, and the paper’s impartiality.

Lucas said Osborne should at the least be stripped of his role as Privy Councillor, and asked the Prime Minister how she intends to make sure Osborne’s appointment does not result in Ministers having undue influence on the paper – and vice versa.

Four parliamentary questions tabled by Lucas [1] also demand to know how Theresa May will ensure Osborne does not misuse his position as an MP to gain stories, or use Parliament’s facilities for his editorial work.

Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Osborne’s appointment as Editor of the Standard raises very serious questions about both his own ability to continue as an MP and the newspaper’s impartiality. At the very least George Osborne should be stripped of his title as a Privy Councillor and barred from any secure briefings that the role gives him.

“The truth is that by taking this job George Osborne has shown contempt for his constituents. The only honourable thing would be to step down as an MP so he can concentrate on making money from City firms and learning how to do a job at the Standard that he’s entirely unqualified for.”


  1. Full text of Caroline Lucas’ Parliamentary Questions to the Prime Minister:
  • To ask the Prime Minister, what arrangements will be put in place by 10 Downing Street to ensure that the Editor of the London Evening Standard is not able to misuse his position as a member of the Privy Council to generate news stories based on confidential government briefings or advance notice of any prime ministerial decision to commit HM Armed Forces in enemy action; and if she will make a statement.
  • To ask the Prime Minister, what checks and balances will be put in place by 10 Downing Street to ensure that government ministers do not exert undue influence on the editorial policy of the London Evening Standard newspaper, and that the Editor of the Evening Standard does not exert undue influence on the policy positions of government ministers; and if she will make a statement.
  • To ask the Prime Minister, what arrangements will be put in place by 10 Downing Street to ensure that the Editor of the London Evening Standard newspaper is able to fully comply with three-line whips in relation to parliamentary debates and divisions; and if she will make a statement.
  • To ask the Prime Minister, what arrangements will be put in place by 10 Downing Street to ensure that the Editor of the London Evening Standard newspaper does not make inappropriate use of parliamentary estate premises and facilities when undertaking his editorial duties; and if she will make a statement.

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Endless winter for the NHS as Tory cuts cause chaos for patients – Jonathan Ashworth

latest NHS situation reports for A&E performance have been published today
and show Theresa May’s winter crisis stretching into spring.

admissions in the week ending 12 March were the highest they have been so far
this winter and A&E attendances in the week ending 12 March were the
highest since December.

In the week ending 12 March, there were
19 temporary diverts from one A&E to another to provide temporary respite.
Overall, there have been around 84 per cent more diverts this winter than last

the week ending 12 March, 34 different trusts reported serious operational
pressures at some point. On average, 20 trusts each day reported serious
operational pressures.

Last week, 13 trusts had average bed
occupancy over 99 per cent – up from 12 in the previous week.

Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said

for NHS patients have collapsed this winter because Theresa May just hasn’t
given the health service the resources and the priority it needs.

beggars belief that such pressure is still being seen on A&E after months
of crisis – it is a sign of a wider system creaking under the strain of Tory

Prime Minister needs to get a grip and make clear what action she’s going to
take so that patients and their families never have to suffer a winter like
this ever again.”

It is shocking that over 70 per cent of young people have never experienced political education in school, college or university – Cat Smith

Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Voter Engagement and Youth Affairs,
commenting on
45forthe45th Legacy report published today, said:

is shocking that over 70 per cent of young people have never experienced
political education in school, college or university.

the Tories take the country down a path of Brexit chaos, it is essential that
young people are educated about the civic and public institutions which frame
our laws. Not only will this increase voter engagement and turnout, but it will
make government more accountable for its actions.”

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]Safety Recommendation document updated for AS332L2 Super Puma, G-REDL

Response to Theresa May’s speech to the Conservative Party Spring Conference – Andrew Gwynne

Gwynne MP, Labour’s Campaigns and Elections Chair,
responding to Theresa May’s speech
to the Conservative Party Spring Conference, said:

“The PM
claims she has a plan for a fairer, more ‘united Britain’ but she’s pursing an
agenda which will do the opposite.

“As their
shambolic Budget has shown, the Tories have no plan to stand up for ordinary
people and their promises aren’t worth the paper they’re written on – they
break them whenever it suits them. Under them those at the top get tax breaks,
while middle and low earners are worse off, targeted for cuts and tax
increases. Far from building a stronger Britain, the Tories are undermining
what makes our country great, running the NHS down, squeezing our schools and
crushing aspiration. And their shambolic approach to Brexit risks a bad deal
for Britain, meaning we’ll all be worse off.

is worse off under the Tories.”