
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

News story: Nowruz 2017: Prime Minister’s message

I send my warmest wishes to everyone celebrating the festival of Nowruz in Britain, Iran and around the world.

At this time of year families and friends will be gathering to celebrate the New Year and mark the start of spring.

To everyone celebrating Nowruz in the UK – I wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.

Har ruzetan Nowruz, Nowruzetan piruz.

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Joint statement from Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson following today’s Shadow Cabinet meeting

Joint statement from Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson

The shadow cabinet met today to discuss Labour’s policy and election plans and had a robust and constructive discussion about the challenges and opportunities ahead.

The shadow cabinet agreed on the need to strengthen party unity. It recognised the right of groups across the spectrum of Labour’s broad church to discuss their views and try to influence the party so long as they operate within the rules.

The leadership represents the whole party and not any one strand within it. No one speaks for the leadership except the leadership themselves and their spokespeople.

The shadow cabinet agreed our local and Mayoral election strategy and what a united Labour Party can and must offer the whole country after seven years of Tory austerity in terms of jobs, housing, education and health and social care.

We will fight for a Britain where people aren’t held back and where everyone in every community can lead a richer life.

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party

Tom Watson, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party

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Britain is about to embark on the most complex and important negotiations since World War II. This a hugely significant moment for the whole country – Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary, commenting on reports that Theresa May will trigger Article 50 on March 29, said:

“Britain is about to embark on the most complex and important negotiations since World War II, so this a hugely significant moment for the whole country.

“Theresa May has repeatedly said that she wants to build a national consensus on Brexit, but it is increasingly clear she has failed to do so. Britain is now more divided at home and isolated abroad.

“It is also extraordinary that the Prime Minister has failed to provide any certainty about her plans for Brexit or to prepare for the clear dangers of not reaching a deal with the EU.

“Labour will hold the Prime Minister to account all the way, and argue for a Brexit deal that puts jobs, the economy and living standards first.”

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