
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Jeremy Corbyn statement on today’s attack in Westminster

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, commenting on today’s attack in Westminster, said:

“Today’s horrific attack in Westminster has shocked the whole country. All our thoughts are with the victims of this outrage, their loved ones, families and friends.

“Those victims include civilians and police officers, Londoners and visitors, subjected to a brutal and indiscriminate assault.

“Our thanks and gratitude go to the police and emergency services who responded so bravely, and to those – including the MP Tobias Ellwood – who went to the aid of the injured and dying.

“This was not only an attack on innocent people. It was also an attack on our democracy.

“But I know that Londoners and people across the country will stand together in defence of our values and diversity.”

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Statement from Caroline Lucas on the Westminster attack

22 March 2017

Caroline Lucas, the co-leader of the Green Party, has responded to Wednesday’s attack in Westminster. 

She said:

“Our thoughts go out to all those affected by today’s attacks and we send deep thanks to the public servants who responded so quickly, bravely, and with care to treat the injured and minimise the number of casualties. We pay tribute to the lives that were so sadly lost and in particular to the police officer who died in the line of duty – we are truly in his debt.

“The response to such a heinous attack must be to strengthen our democracy, and refuse to give in to those who would harm it.”


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