
Author Archives: GovWorldMag

Government are obsessing over arbitrary targets for apprenticeship starts but doing nothing to ensure the right outcomes for learners – Gordon Marsden

Gordon Marsden MP, Labour’s Shadow Skills Minister, commenting on a report from a sub-committee of the Education and Business Select Committee, claiming that the Government’s apprenticeship levy lacks focus and targets the wrong industries, said:

“Today’s report confirms what Labour have been saying all along, that while the Government are obsessing over reaching an arbitrary target for apprenticeship starts, they are doing nothing to ensure the right outcomes for learners.

“The fact that the Government’s approach lacks focus and targets the wrong industries shows that they have failed to develop an industrial strategy worthy of the name, and can only offer headline chasing gimmicks instead.

“Closing the skills gap and giving young people and older learners the skills they need should be essential to securing our post-Brexit future, yet once again this Government have nothing serious to offer the country.”

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Plan confirms that May’s Government has broken its promise by failing to give the NHS the funding it needs – Jonathan Ashworth

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, responding to the publication of NHS England’s Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View said

“NHS England’s Five Year Forward View update contains welcome ambitions around mental health and cancer care that Labour endorses. However reading between the lines this plan confirms that Theresa May’s Government has broken its promise by failing to give the NHS the funding it needs. The plan admits the public are ‘concerned’ for the future of the NHS and that the health service is under ‘real pressure’ to cope with rising demand within the current spending envelope.

“Labour has warned repeatedly that the NHS funding squeeze imposed by the Government is damaging standards of patient care. Now the Forward View confirms that the main 4 hour A&E target won’t be met for at least the next year. Waiting lists are growing as a direct result of the financial crisis. The collapse in standards in the past year has been nothing short of astonishing.

“What’s more the plan confirms more and more rationing of treatments is taking place across the NHS.

“One of the biggest problems laid out by the new NHS plan is the massive workforce challenge for the health service. We welcome NHS England reinforcing Labour’s calls for the Government to guarantee the status of European health staff as soon as possible. Sadly Jeremy Hunt has no plan whatsoever to help the NHS through the challenge of Brexit and is being enormously complacent about the impact for the NHS. The Government need to be much clearer about how they will guarantee there are enough staff in place in the health service to keep patients safe for the years to come.”

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