We must encourage women to participate in designing and implementing their vision for the country: Vice President

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that ae must move beyond seeing women as beneficiaries of schemes and encourage them to be participants in designing and implementing their vision for the country.

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Murder in Mong Kok

     Police are investigating a murder case in Mong Kok in which a 49-year-old non-ethnic Chinese man died.

     At about 5.19pm yesterday (April 8), ambulance service was requested to a cubicle of a building on 1065 Canton Road as a man was injured. Police were later notified to scene where the 49-year-old man was located. Sustaining head and leg injuries, he was rushed to Kwong Wah Hospital in unconscious condition and was certified dead at 1.08am today (April 9).

     Initial investigation revealed that the man had a dispute with his 32-year-old son, during which the son attacked his father with a chopper. Police arrested the son for murder. A chopper in suspected connection with the case was seized at scene.

     Post-mortem examinations will be conducted later to ascertain the cause of death of the deceased.

     Investigation by the District Crime Squad of Mong Kok District is underway.

Meet the SNP MPs and MSPs that worked in our health service

Our National Health Service is our most cherished institution. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the hardworking men and women who deliver world-class health care day in and day out.


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HyD’s response to media enquiries

     In response to media enquiries on the meeting between the Highways Department (HyD) and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Authority on matters relating to the seawall of an artificial island of the HZMB Main Bridge, the HyD responded as follows:

     The Director of Highways, Mr Daniel Chung, today (April 8) met the HZMB Authority in Zhuhai.

     After compiling the information, the HyD will meet the media tomorrow on the matters.

CSD video “Man Kei” tells story of recovery from depression (with photos)

     Persons in custody, who have to serve their sentence and adapt to institution life, may be affected by mental health issues.
     Like 58-year-old Man Kei (false name), who was diagnosed as having depression and anxiety by clinical psychologists when she was admitted into Lo Wu Correctional Institution.
     She could not eat or sleep well and she even declined to communicate with others. The institution then arranged for her to take part in the “Psy Gym” – a gender-specific treatment programme to provide female persons in custody with systematic and professional psychological assessment and treatment.
     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (April 8) released a video about Man Kei, who was sentenced to imprisonment for money laundering. Since receiving psychological treatment she has shown tremendous improvement and rediscovered her individual strengths and potential. She has regained her confidence and recovered from her depression. Man Kei has now been released from prison and her statutory supervision period has been completed. She is free physically and mentally. Her experience can offer encouragement to those who may suffer from mental health problems. With encouragement from others and appropriate treatment it is always possible to recover from depression.
     Members of the public are invited to watch the video about Man Kei, which has been uploaded onto the CSD YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRCF6McpHao&feature=youtu.be.

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