News story: Changes to the assessment economic link conditions

All UK fishing licences contain a condition that requires vessels to demonstrate a genuine economic link with the UK. The economic link condition applies to landings of quota species and is assessed on a yearly basis.

From 1 May 2018 we will be changing the current assessment period of 1 April to 31 March to 01 January to 31 December (the ‘calendar year’). This is to bring the assessment period in line with the yearly monitoring of quota uptake and to help those vessel owners who are required to comply with this condition to manage their quota for the year.

This change will also ensure that the English inshore fleet will benefit earlier in the year from quota donations made in fulfillment of the economic link condition. This gives the English fleet a greater opportunity to use the quota in what can be seasonal fisheries.

The way in which vessel owners must demonstrate an economic link with the UK will not be changed and are listed below by:

  • landing over 50% by weight of their catch (which are subject to EU quotas) into UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man ports.
  • demonstrating that at least 50% of the total crew man days at sea were accounted for by crew normally resident in UK coastal areas.
  • providing proof that routine expenditure in the UK on goods and services for the vessel was equal to either: i) 50% of the value of quota stocks landed net of crew wages, or ii) 50% of the vessel’s total operating expenditure for the year, net of crew wages.
  • donating quota to the English under-10m fleet equivalent to a value representing 10% of the value of catch landed overseas.
  • any combination of the above methods agreed by the MMO.

The change to the assessment period is not expected to affect the ability of vessel owners to comply with the economic link condition.

Press release: Call for Project Proposals – Rwanda

Updated: Needed to give a proper reference to the attachments

The British High Commission (BHC) in Kigali is now accepting project proposals for the 2018/2019 financial year (April 2018-March 2019).

This year the BHC is seeking to support projects in Rwanda that focus on the following themes:
• Human Rights – Implementation of the accepted 2015 UPR recommendations and strengthening human rights in Rwanda
• Justice – Strengthening the capacity of the criminal justice system, enabling improved access to justice and protection of rights for all citizens

We are particularly interested in project proposals aiming towards the following outcomes:
1. Measurable progress towards full implementation of the UPRs in Rwanda
2. Strengthening human rights in Rwanda via innovative activities to improve relationships and cooperation between all stakeholders (civil society organisations, the general public, relevant institutions and the Government of Rwanda)
3. Measurable increase awareness of, and access to judicial services, particularly for citizens in rural areas

Bid Guidance:
• Projects are funded for a single financial year running from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019, with no expectation of continued funding beyond this period.
• Minimum budget limit: £15,000
• Maximum budget limit: £55,000

Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:
• Alignment with the above mentioned thematic priorities and outcomes
• Outcomes are achievable within the funding period
• Project design includes clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
• Sustainability demonstrating the project benefits continue after the funding ends
• Risk and financial accountability procedures
• The organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries
• Overall value for money

1. Project proposals must be received by midnight on Friday 27th April. Late proposals will not be considered.
2. Proposals must be submitted using the attached form only.
3. Proposals must be submitted to
4. Successful project proposals will be notified on Wednesday 9th May. Only those selected for further consideration will be notified.
5. The BHC aim to sign grant agreements with successful project implementers by 16th May

[Proposal Form for £10k to £80k:1]

[Project Form Guidance:2]


Robert Kamuratsi, Programme and Communications Officer,

Alternative contact:

Christopher Finucane, Head of Political Section,

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s UNICEF speech in China

Below is the speech given by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in Beijing at a joint Scottish Government/UNICEF event hosted by the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship of Foreign Countries.


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Agenda of tomorrow’s LegCo meeting revised

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:
     The agenda of the Legislative Council (LegCo) meeting, scheduled for tomorrow (April 11) at 11.30am in the Chamber of the LegCo Complex, has been revised.  In addition to the original items, the Chief Secretary for Administration will present “The Government Minute in response to the Report of the Public Accounts Committee No. 68A of 17 January 2018” and address the Council. 
     Meanwhile, Dr Priscilla Leung, Chairman of the LegCo Investigation Committee established under Rule ‍49B(2A) of the Rules of Procedure in respect of the motion to censure Dr Hon Cheng Chung-tai, will present the Investigation Committee’s Report and address the Council.
     For the latest agenda items of tomorrow’s LegCo meeting, please refer to the LegCo Website:

LegCo Panel on Security visits Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Security conducted a visit to Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution (PSWCI) under the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (April 10) to better understand its operations.

     Members first received a briefing on CSD and PSWCI, and noted that PSWCI is a medium-security institution for adult male persons in custody (PICs). Accompanied by the representatives of CSD, Members then visited the gymnasium, kitchen, dining hall facilities, dormitory facilities and the Centre Hospital in PSWCI to get to know the daily life of PICs and their needs. Members also observed PICs working in the sign making workshop and receiving training in the vocational training facilities.

     Members who participated in the visit were the Chairman of the Panel, Mr Chan Hak-kan, Panel members Mr Yiu Si-wing, Mr Kwok Wai-keung, Dr Fernando Cheung, Dr Elizabeth Quat, Mr Poon Siu-ping, Mr Shiu Ka-chun, Ms Yung Hoi-yan and Dr Cheng Chung-tai.

Photo  Photo  Photo