The Windrush scandal exposes the Home Office’s brutality

The Windrush scandal has exposed the brutality of the Home Office and the Conservatives more clearly than a multitude of other immigration and asylum scandals.

The reason?

The Windrush Generation are British citizens. People who’ve lived here for decades – working, raising families, part of Britain.

Even the Daily Mail has been forced to back their case.

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News story: Defence Secretary highlights importance of partnering with charities during visit to military recovery centre

Updated: tweak

Mr Williamson visited Tedworth House on Monday, a recovery centre run by Help for Heroes.

The £24million residential centre offers comprehensive post-rehabilitation programmes and life skills courses to help injured veterans, service personnel and their families, lead active, independent and fulfilling lives.

The Defence Secretary was shown round the facility and spent time looking in the adaptive gym kitted out with specialist equipment.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said:

We are committed to making sure that our troops, veterans and their families get a fair deal and the best possible support on offer for their sacrifice and service to protecting our country.

Military charities such as Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion play a vital role and we work closely with them to deliver the care and opportunities our service personnel deserve.

Tedworth House is an excellent example of the Defence Recovery Capability initiative in action.

Tedworth House, based just outside the garrison town of Tidworth, is part of the Defence Recovery Capability initiative.

The Defence Recovery Capability is a MOD and Third Sector Partnership, providing the framework within which all injured service personnel are provided with the right support to enable a return to duty or effective transition to civilian life.

The MOD has a deep and longstanding partnership Help for Heroes. As well as the Tedworth House facility, the MOD, Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion partner on delivering the UK’s Delegation to the Invictus Games, for which the Government provides £350,000 in LIBOR funding.

UK Team Trials for the Invictus Games were recently held at the University of Bath, with a record number of hopefuls trying out to see if they can make the team for Sydney.

With a renewed focus on mental health the Defence Secretary last month launched the 24/7 Military Mental Health Helpline alongside over £200 million of dedicated funding. This is delivered through Combat Stress who are the leading specialists in mental health services.

Transcript of remarks by SEN

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, on Feed-in Tariff after attending the special meeting of the Legislative Council Finance Committee today (April 17):
Reporter: Mr Wong, how likely the new scheme, will, you know, lead to an increase in electricity tariff?
Secretary for Environment: As said earlier, we estimated that the implication on tariff should be acceptable and minimal. On one hand, we see the limitation on internal space for renewable energy application in Hong Kong, given our high density context. While we are going to introduce the Feed-in Tariff that will be conducive to more applications, the overall impact on the tariff is estimated to be minimal. At the same time, we introduce the renewable energy certificate that would help to reduce the burden on the overall tariff, and would like to see more low carbon transformation in Hong Kong. So we would like to see more people to apply for the Feed-in Tariff. At the same time, based on our earlier consultation with the public, the majority response was that they would be able to accept, say, around 5 per cent increase in the tariff, or even some would support a 10 per cent increase. But based on our latest estimate, the tariff implication will be far lower than that, probably less than 1 per cent. So based on the public opinion, I think it should be acceptable.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Bogus marriage intermediary jailed for incitement to commit conspiracy

     The Immigration Department (ImmD) on December 6 conducted a sting operation codenamed “Snare 1205” by deploying an officer in disguise to meet with a bogus marriage intermediary. During the operation, four core syndicate members were arrested, including a mastermind, and the syndicate was successfully smashed. The 54-year-old mastermind pleaded guilty to one count of incitement to commit conspiracy at Shatin Magistrates’ Courts and was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment today (April 17).

     The ImmD has been very concerned about non-Hong Kong residents obtaining residency by means of contracting bogus marriages with Hong Kong residents, and has been aware that criminal syndicates have continually published via newspapers, instant messaging software and social networking mobile applications to induce young people to engage in bogus marriage for huge remuneration. After intelligence analysis, a syndicate which recruited young people to engage in bogus marriages was identified. By deploying an officer in disguise to meet with a bogus marriage intermediary to collect evidence, ImmD successfully smashed the syndicate.  During investigation, investigators seized a number of bogus marriage-related documents and mobile phones from the premises of the mastermind and the three core syndicate members. After in-depth investigation, the syndicate was believed to have arranged around 100 bogus marriages.

     “While investigating into the bogus marriage syndicate, as at April 16, a total of 41 Hong Kong and Mainland residents (21 males and 20 females) aged 20 to 65 were arrested, including the four Hong Kong resident core members of the syndicate. Among the 41 arrestees, three were charged. One of them was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, one was pending sentencing by court and the remaining one was pending court trial. In addition, apart from the mastermind who pleaded guilty to one count of incitement to commit conspiracy at Shatin Magistrates’ Courts and was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment today, the cases of the other three core members of the syndicate are under active investigation. The operation is ongoing and more arrests may be made. In addition, relevant Mainland authorities have been notified about the cases of the Mainlanders,” the spokesman said.

     “The ImmD will continue to spare no effort in combating bogus marriages and other related illicit activities. For people who have obtained their residence in Hong Kong by fraudulent means, their Hong Kong identity card and residence status will be invalidated according to the laws of Hong Kong. They will also be subject to removal back to their place of origin,” the spokesman said.

     The spokesman urged the public not to defy the law by participating in activities related to bogus marriages anywhere and not to make a false oath before immigration officers for the purpose of procuring a marriage in Hong Kong. Those directing others to contract a bogus marriage may also be guilty of the offence of conspiracy to defraud.

     Under the laws of Hong Kong, it is an offence to make false representation to Immigration Officers. Offenders are liable to prosecution and to a maximum fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for 14 years. Aiders and abettors are also liable to prosecution and the same penalties.

     Any person who for the purpose of procuring a marriage, or a certificate or license for marriage, knowingly and wilfully makes a false oath or makes or signs a false declaration shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to, upon conviction, imprisonment for seven years and a fine, and anyone who commits the offence of conspiracy to defraud is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for 14 years.

Speech by CS at Heep Hong Society 2018 Charity Dinner (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at the Heep Hong Society 2018 Charity Dinner “Growing Potential Shining Tomorrow” today (April 17):

Mr Peter Wan (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Heep Hong Society), Ms Nancy Tsang (Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening. I feel deeply honoured to join you all tonight to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Heep Hong Society (Heep Hong).

     For over half a century, Heep Hong has grown from strength to strength. It was established in 1963 by a group of caring ladies to offer post-hospital rehabilitation services to children who suffered from Poliomyelitis. Today, Heep Hong has become a leading education and training organisation for children and youth. It commands enormous respect from the community for its commitment to unleashing the potential of these young people and helping them integrate into society. 

     Heep Hong’s 900-strong team of professionals including psychologist, therapists, teachers, nurses and social workers provides professional assessment, guidance, training and family support to more than 10 000 families every year at over 40 service units, as well as numerous mainstream kindergartens, primary and secondary schools across the territory. 

     The theme of tonight’s charity dinner is “Growing Potential Shining Tomorrow”.  It is indeed a perfect reflection of Heep Hong’s mission to maximise the potential of children with special needs, empower their families and facilitate their inclusion into the community for a fulfilling life.
     To achieve this laudable goal, Heep Hong has pioneered a host of innovative services over the years. These include:

  • establishment of mixed mode centres to help children with special educational needs  such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), dyslexia and ADHD;
  • extension of support services at kindergartens and nursery schools, primary and secondary schools through the “Supportive Learning Project” to help students integrate into mainstream education;
  • launch of the Academy for Professional Education and Development  to provide a full spectrum of training courses for practitioners and parents;
  • establishment of the first-of-its-kind Jockey Club STAR Resource Centre to provide one-stop service for ASD children, youth and their families; and
  • introduction of the Pilot Project on Strengthening Support for Persons with Autism and their Parents/Carers to support youth in meeting challenges at different life stages.

     The Government shares Heep Hong’s admirable vision and has introduced various policy measures to enable children with special needs to acquire necessary training in the prime training period. We have regularised the Pilot Scheme on On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services so that interdisciplinary service teams formed under the Pilot Scheme can provide on-site rehabilitation service and training to more children who are awaiting subvented services from the Social Welfare Department. We have earmarked $460 million a year in government recurrent expenditure to increase the service places from about 3 000 to 7 000 in two years. Heep Hong as in the past is a staunch supporter of Government’s initiative for children with special needs and is offering 475 training places under the Scheme.

     To avoid prolonged delay of treatment for children who are queuing for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services, we have introduced the Training Subsidy Programme to provide non-means tested training subsidy to these children for treatment from recognised service providers. I am glad to note that Heep Hong takes an active part in this programme and 34 of its service units have been approved to be recognised service providers providing a total of 733 training places.

     We are also mindful of the support that disadvantaged children may need at different development stages. To allow primary schools to start planning in advance and prepare appropriate services for these children to facilitate their integration into primary education, the Education Bureau and Social Welfare Department have developed a mechanism to transfer the progress reports of pre-school children with special education need from on-site pre-school rehabilitation services and other subvented rehabilitation services to designated public-funded primary schools.

     In line with the principle of “intervention before assessment”, the Education Bureau has further implemented the “Early Identification and Intervention Programme for Primary One Students with Learning Difficulties” in all public sector primary schools to identify students with learning difficulties so that they can be provided with timely and suitable intervention at an early stage.

     To meet the special needs of these children when they move from childhood to adulthood, we will regularise the Pilot Project on Strengthening Support for Persons with Autism and their Parents/Carers from this October. Multi-disciplinary teams with clinical psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists are formed under the Project to help young persons with high-functioning autism to cope with different challenges during their transition into adulthood. The teams also provide support services to parents and carers of persons with autism, in addition to professional support and training for subvented rehabilitation service units serving persons with autism.

     Ladies and gentlemen, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is determined to build a harmonious and inclusive society. However, government’s effort alone is not enough. We need the support of relevant sectors of the community along the road to meet this ambitious objective. I am most pleased to have the unfailing support from the Heep Hong Society over the past 55 years to help our children with special needs to integrate into our community.

     I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Ms Nancy Tsang, Chief Executive Officer of Heep Hong Society, for her outstanding leadership over the years. While this may be the last time for Nancy to attend this charity dinner in the capacity of the Chief Executive Officer of the Society, I am most certain that she will continue to contribute her expertise and support to the well-being of our next generation in different capacity in the years ahead. 

     I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to all staff, parents and practitioners for your enthusiastic support for integrated education and pre-school rehabilitation services in Hong Kong.

     On this happy note, I wish Heep Hong continuous success in the years ahead and all of you an enjoyable and memorable evening. Thank you.