CALENDRIER du 23 avril au 29 avril 2018

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Déplacements et visites


Lundi 23 avril 2018

Informal meeting of employment, social policy and health ministers on health in Sofia, Bulgaria

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Damdin Tsogtbaatar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia.

Ms Federica Mogherini, Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos and Mr Julian King in Toronto, Canada: participate in the G7 Foreign and Security Ministers meeting “Building a More Peaceful and Secure World”.

Mr Andrus Ansip attends a discussion at the Bruegel Flagship event on Challenges and opportunities for the EU Digital Single Market, in Brussels.  

Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Mr Günther H. Oettinger andMs Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Hannover, Germany: participate in Hannover Messe 2018.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Hannover, Germany: at Hannover Messe 2018: attends, together with Mr Günther H. Oettinger, the official opening ceremony, together with Ms Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany and Mr Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico; visits the Fair and exchanges views with exhibitors; meets, together with Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Mr Stephan Weil, Minister President of Lower Saxony; delivers, a keynote speech and, together with Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska, exchanges views on the “Future EU Mobility – Global Leadership through Automation and Decarbonisation”.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in New York, the United States (until 23/04): meets financial markets leaders of the private sector; delivers a keynote speech at the conference “Transatlantic Economy Ten Years after the Crisis: Macro-Financial Scenarios and Policy Responses” at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and meets Mr William C. Dudley, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO of Metsä Group – Bio-Based Industries Consortium.

Mr Günther H. Oettinger in Hannover, Germany: at Hannover Messe 2018: participates in a lunch discussion with representatives of industries on “Investing in industrial digitisation”; and delivers a keynote speech at the event “Logistics 4.0: Investments of European Commission in the Digital Transformation” and the event “Europe 2030: Is the EU fit for the digital future?”, organised by ZVEI, the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association.

Mr Johannes Hahn and Mr Christos Stylianides participate in events taking place in the margins of the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Mr Johannes Hahn chairs the “Inspirations for the Future: a Conversation with Syrian, Jordanian and Lebanese Youth and Young Entrepreneurs” side event, in Brussels.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) of Switzerland.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Ms Nataliya Mykolska, Trade Representative, Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Damdin Tsogtbaatar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of Indonesia.

Mr Neven Mimica in New York, the United States (until 24/04): participates in the 2018 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up; in the high-level meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission on the Gambia; in the EU side event “Investing in Sustainable Development: the European Union’s Contribution”; and meets Mr Miroslav Lajčák, President of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Ms Ana Paula Vitorino, Minister for the Sea of Portugal.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Kristján Þór Júlíusson, Minister for Fisheries and Agriculture of Iceland.

Mr Karmenu Vella delivers a speech at the EU Environmental Footprint Final Conference “From Vision to Action”, in Brussels.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Sofia, Bulgaria:participates in theInformal meeting of employment, social policy and health ministers; and meets Mr Paul Blokhuis, State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sports of the Netherlands.

Mme Marianne Thyssen participe à la cérémonie d’ouverture de la semaine d’Inauguration de la Cité des métiers de Bruxelles, à Bruxelles.

Ms Marianne Thyssen receives Mr Kemal Purišić, Minister for Labour and Social Welfare of Montenegro.

Mr Christos Stylianides inaugurates the photo exhibition “7 years of solidarity: How the EU helps Syrian refugees wherever they are” in the margins of the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Mr Christos Stylianides receives Ms Sarah Brown, President of “Their world”.

Mr Christos Stylianides receives Ms Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO of “Save the Children International”.

Mr Phil Hogan receives Mr Rubén Darío Lizarralde Montoya, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia.

Mr Phil Hogan receives representatives of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and BirdLife.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Hannover, Germany: Hannover Messe 2018: meets Mr Ildefonso Guajardo Real, Minister for the Economy of Mexico; and Mr Dieter Kempf, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI).

Mr Tibor Navracsics delivers a closing speech at the forum “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018: International Perspectives”, in Brussels.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Stefan Kaufmann, Member of the German Bundestag and Mr Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives representatives of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP).


Mardi 24 avril 2018

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia, for a working lunch.

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives, together with Mr Johannes Hahn, Mr Youssef Chahed, Head of Government of Tunisia.

President Jean-Claude Juncker holds a joint press point with Mr Youssef Chahed, Head of Government of Tunisia.

President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr José María Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain.

Mr Frans Timmermans receives the Green 10 directors.

Mr Frans Timmermans receives His Eminence Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, archbishop of Perugia and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

Mr Frans Timmermans receives Mr Freek Spinnewijn, Director of FEANTSA: Working together to End Homelessness in Europe.

Ms Federica Mogherini meets Mr Youssef Chahed, Prime Minister of Tunisia, in Brussels.

Ms Federica Mogherini meets Mr Staffan de Mistura, United Nations Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General on Syria, in Brussels.

Ms Federica Mogherini participates in a meeting with representatives of the Syrian civil society, in Brussels.

Ms Federica Mogherini, Mr Johannes Hahn participate in and Mr Christos Stylianides co-chairs the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Founder and CEO of Rasmussen Global and former Prime Minister for Denmark.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in London, the United Kingdom (until 24/04): delivers a keynote speech at City Week; meets Mr Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England; and Mr Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives representatives of the Finnish Paper Industry Labour Union.

Mr Jyrki Katainen delivers a keynote speech at The Future of Work event, in Brussels.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Resource Panel (IRP).

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Ms Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE).

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Otmar Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives members of the city board of Kangasala, Finland.

Mr Johannes Hahn and Mr Christos Stylianides participate in the “Day of Dialogue with NGOs”, in the margins of the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Mr Johannes Hahn receives Mr Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Ms Cecilia Malmström participates in a seminar: “The EU in a world order in transition”, co-organised by the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU and the Brussels Office of the Swedish Trade Unions, in Brussels.

Mr Neven Mimica in New York, the United States: participates in the 2018 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up; and in the EU side event “Measuring resources for sustainable development: the contribution of total official support to sustainable development”.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Ilya Shestakov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery of Russia.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs of Indonesia.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of Samoa.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Vienna, Austria: delivers a speech at theIAWS 2018 – 1st International Animal Welfare Summit; participates in a Citizens’ dialogue; meets the Members of the Austrian Parliament; and Ms Beate Hartinger-Klein, the Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection of Austria.

Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos and Mr Julian King in Toronto, Canada (until 24/04): participate in the G7 Foreign and Security Ministers meeting “Building a More Peaceful and Secure World”.

Ms Marianne Thyssen attends the opening ceremony of the Bus Awareness Raising Journey, organised by the European Minimum Income Network (EMIN), in Brussels.

Ms Marianne Thyssen delivers a keynote speech at the European Seniors Union (ESU), in Brussels.

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Mr Imad Fakhoury, Minister for Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan.

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Mr Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Ms Beata Kempa, Minister for the Council of Ministers of Poland.

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Mr David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP).

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Ms Shahida Azfar, United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

Mr Phil Hogan receives Mr Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity of Scotland.

Mr Phil Hogan receives representatives of the European Federation of Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (EFTBA) and theIrish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (ITBA).

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska receives a group of Polish entrepreneurs.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in The Hague, the Netherlands; attends the ‘Ideas from Europe 2018 Finals’ event.

Ms Vĕra Jourová receives Mr Kent Walker, Senior Vice-President and General Counsel of Google.

Ms Corina Creţu participates in a conference on “How can the post 2020 Cohesion Policy meet EU Islands challenges?” and delivers a keynote speech at the session on Cohesion Policy in EU Islands after 2020, at the European Parliament, in Brussels.

Ms Corina Creţu in The Hague, The Netherlands: meets Ms Kajsa Ollongren, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Interior and Kingdom Relations; and Mr Raymond Knops, State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

Mr Carlos Moedas attends a working breakfast hosted by Mr Paul Rübig, Member of the European Parliament, and Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament on the Framework Programme 9 (FP9) and with a special focus on support to industrial innovation, in Brussels.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Ms Iselin Nybø, Minister for Research and Higher Education of Norway.

Mr Carlos Moedas delivers a keynote speech at the Kavli-EU event ‘Science Prizes – Stimulating Research and Innovation’, Norway House, in Brussels.

Ms Mariya Gabriel receives Mr Wim Mijs, CEO of the European Banking Federation.

Ms Mariya Gabriel delivers opening remarks at “Cyberterrorism – Is the EU ready?” conference at the European Parliament, in Brussels.

Ms Mariya Gabriel delivers opening speech and participates in a Debate on the impact of the EU digital strategy on the Western Balkans enlargement process , in Brussels.


Mercredi 25 avril 2018

College meeting

Mr Frans Timmermans delivers a keynote speech at the 25th anniversary event of the European association of the packaging supply chain industry in Europe (EUROPEN).

Ms Federica Mogherini co-chairs, and Mr Christos Stylianides and Mr Johannes Hahn participate in the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Ms Federica Mogherini receives Mr Tarō Kōno, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan;

Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Ljubljana, Slovenia (until 26/04): on Energy Union tour: meets Mr Peter Gašperšič, Minister for Infrastructure of Slovenia.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives Mr Suma Chakrabarti, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Suma Chakrabarti, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Mr Jyrki Katainen delivers a keynote speech at the event “How to get Europe investing again?” of the British Chamber of Commerce to the EU and Belgium, in Brussels.

Mr Jyrki Katainen participates in a working lunch with members of the Startup Europe Partnership (SEP), in Brussels.

Mr Johannes Hahn participates in the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Pablo Campana, Minister for Foreign Trade of Ecuador.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Alamine Ousmane Mey, Minister for Economy, Planning and Regional Development of Cameroon.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Tarō Kōno, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Mr Karmenu Vella delivers an introductory speech, participates in a panel discussion, and participates in a tour of the Seafood Expo Global 2018 – “Food from the Oceans, a look into our future”, in Brussels.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis receives Mr Levan Davitashvili, Minister for Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

Ms Marianne Thyssen in Lisbon, Portugal (until 26/04): visits the Restaurante Torreao – a social inclusion project financed by the European Solidarity Fund (ESF).

M. Pierre Moscovici prononce un discours lors d’un évènement organisé par l’Union Syndicale Bruxelles Commission et l’organisation Lunettes Sans Frontières, à la Commission Européenne, à Bruxelles.

M. Pierre Moscovici prononce un discours à la conférence “Quelles perspectives pour la fiscalité européenne dans un monde globalisé“, à Bruxelles.

Mr Christos Stylianides meets Ms Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway.

Mr Christos Stylianides co-chairs two sessions in the second Brussels Conference “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”, in Brussels.

Ms Violeta Bulc in Ljubljana, Slovenia (until 27/04): participates in the transport conference “TEN-T Days“; meets Mr Ivaylo Moskovski, Minister for Transport, Information Technology and Communications of Bulgaria; and Ms Zorana Mihajlović, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure.

Mr Tibor Navracsics delivers a keynote speech at the high-level conference on ‘dual quality products’ in the European Parliament.

Mr Tibor Navracsics receives students from the Catholic University of Milan.

Ms Corina Creţu: receives representatives of the Romanian Chess Federation.

Mr Carlos Moedas and Ms Mariya Gabriel participate in the High-Level Conference “Shaping Our Digital Future: The Challenge of the Digital Revolution” and deliver keynote speeches, at the European Parliament, in Brussels.

Mr Julian King receives Mr Franco Gabrielli, Chief of Police and Director-General of Public Security in Italy.

Mr Julian King receives Mr Kent Walker, Senior Vice-President and General Counsel of Google.

Ms Mariya Gabriel participates in a trilogue, in Brussels.


Jeudi 26 avril 2018

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Athens, Greece: meets Mr Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of Greece; Mr Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece; holds a joint press conference with Mr Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece; addresses the Plenary of the Hellenic Parliament; and meets Mr Kyriakos Mitsotakis, leader of the “New Democracy” party.

Mr Andrus Ansip in Berlin, Germany: meets with Mr Helge Braun, Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor; participates in an Extraordinary Session of the Committee for the Digital Agenda at the Bundestag.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Ljubljana, Slovenia: onEnergy Union tour: delivers a keynote speech at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on “Energy transition as an opportunity for Slovenian economy”; visits the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER); meets the members of the parliamentary committees on EU Affairs and on Infrastructure; delivers a keynote speech and participates in the official opening of the transport conference “TEN-T Days“; and meets representatives of NGOs on energy and climate issues.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in Sofia, Bulgaria (until 28/04):  meets Mr Rumen Radev, President of Bulgaria; Mr Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria; Mr Dimitar Radev, Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank; participates in a Citizens’ dialogue; delivers a keynote speech at the Financial Forum Innovations 2018; participates in the 13th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Finance Ministers’ meeting; and in the Eurofi high-level seminar.

Mr Jyrki Katainen in the United States (until 01/05): on official visit.

Ms Cecilia Malmström in Helsinki, Finland: meets the members of the Grand Committee at the Parliament; representatives of Finnish industries and Ms Anne-Mari Virolainen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of Finland; participates in a Citizens’ dialogue together with Ms Anne-Mari Virolainen on: “EU as a leader of rules-based multilateral trading system”.

Mr Neven Mimica in Zagreb, Croatia (until 27/04): participates in a lecture on global Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations Academy.

Ms Marianne Thyssen in Lisbon and Aveiro, Portugal: meets Mr Pedro Machado, President of Regional Tourist Promotion Agency (ARPT) of Portugal; visits CASCI, the Agricultural Centre; AEVA – a vocational school in Aveiro; and VougaPark – an Innovation Centre for vocational training aiming at promoting employment regions with low density.

M. Pierre Moscovici et M. Julian King à Paris, France: prononcent des discours lors de laconférence ministérielle de lutte contre le financement de Daech et d’Al-Qaïda “No Money for Terror”, organisée par la Ministère de l’Europeet des Affaires étrangères.

Mr Phil Hogan in Dublin, Ireland: meets Mr Michael Creed, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine of Ireland;  representatives of the Timber Industry Brexit Forum; addresses the Seanad Éireann (Senate of Ireland); and the Joint Committees on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Rural and Community Development; and participates in a Glanbia event.

Ms Violeta Bulc in Ljubljana, Slovenia: participates in the transport conference “TEN-T Days“; meets transport investors; delivers the opening speech of the conference and takes part in the plenary session “Transport for Connectivity and Efficiency”.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Lisbon, Portugal (until 27/04): meets Mr Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Minister for the Economy of Portugal; Ms Ana Paula Zacarias, Deputy Minister for European Affairs’ and Mr José Azeredo Lopes, Minister for National Defence; and holds Citizens’ dialogue at Évora University.

Ms Vĕra Jourová in Luxembourg (until 27/04): meets Mr Koen Lenaerts, President of the Court of Justice; Mr Etienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, Minister of Internal Security, Minister of Defence; representatives of the Luxembourg Union of Consumers (ULC) and the European Centre of Consumers (CEC); and Ms Lydia Mutsch, Minister for Health and Gender Equality; and participates in the “Girls in ICT” event together with Ms Lydia Mutsch.

Ms Corina Creţu in Ljubljana, Slovenia: meets Ms Alenka Smerkolj, Minister without Portfolio, Director of Government Office for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion of Slovenia; Mr Peter Gašperšič, Minister for Infrastructure; Mr Jure Leben, State Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure; and participates in a Panel on “Transport for Growth and Jobs” of the transport conference “TEN-T Days“.

Ms Margrethe Vestager in The Hague, the Netherlands: delivers a keynote speech at the 2018 Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) conference: The Digital Economy – Friend or Foe?

Mr Carlos Moedas in Porto, Portugal: delivers a keynote speech at the EUNIS 2018 Rectors’ Conference: University 5.0 – Bridging People and Technology; and a keynote speech at the commemoration event for the 50th anniversary of the Catholic University.

Ms Mariya Gabriel participates in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) trilogue, in Brussels.

Vendredi 27 avril 2018


27-28/04/2018 Informal meeting of economic and financial affairs ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria

Federica Mogherini receives Mr Sibusiso Moyo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Zimbabwe.

Ms Federica Mogherini participates in the NATO Foreign Ministers meeting, in Brussels.

Mr Neven Mimica in Zagreb, Croatia: addresses a keynote speech at the International Roundtable on the Croatian Presidency of the EU Council in 2020.

Mr Karmenu Vella in Malta:delivers a speech at the Marine Litter Conference, organised by PlasticsEurope; and meets members of the Malta-EU Steering and Action Committee (MEUSAC).

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis receives representatives of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Surveillance Authority.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis receives representatives of the International association of mutual benefit societies (AIM).

Ms Violeta Bulc in Ljubljana, Slovenia: participates in the transport conference “TEN-T Days“; meets Mr Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister for Infrastructure of Poland and Mr Jerzy Kwieciński, Minister for investment and economic development of Poland; and delivers the closing speech of the conference.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Lisbon, Portugal: holds a hearing at the European Affairs Committee of the Parliament; and meets Ms Margarida Matos Rosa, President of the Competition Authority of Portugal.

Ms Vĕra Jourová in Luxembourg: meets Mr Félix Braz, Minister for Justice and visits together with him the future seat of the European Public Prosecutor Office (EPPO); meets members of the committees for European and International Affairs Committee and of the Justice Committee of the Luxembourg Parliament; participates in a Citizens’ dialogue with Mr Félix Braz, Minister for Justice; and meets Mr Klaus-Heiner Lehne, President of the Court of Auditors.

Mr Carlos Moedas in Beja, Portugal: delivers a keynote speech and participates in the 35th OVIBEJA – Fair of agricultural, livestock, artisan and tourist activities.

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Sofia, Bulgaria (until 28/04): delivers the opening speech at the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Sofia (AFCEA) event on e- Governance; and a speech at the inauguration of the Coursedot Cloud Training Centre.


Samedi 28 avril 2018

Informal meeting of economic and financial affairs ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Sofia, Bulgaria: delivers opening remarks and participates in the Girls in ICT Day Sofia event, co-organised by the European Commission and the International Telecommunication Union.


Dimanche 29 avril 2018


Permanence DG COMM le WE du 21 et 22 avril 2018:

Johannes BAHRKE: +32 460 75 86 15

Permanence RAPID – GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23

Securing social triple A rating for EU requires political engagement and proper funding

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has used an own-initiative opinion to call for sufficient funding resources to be put in place for implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights. Adopted at its plenary session on 19 April 2018, the opinion calls for improvements in the Member States and a robust commitment in terms of budget, investment and current spending to make the Social Pillar a reality.

Following the proclamation of the Social Pillar in autumn 2017, the Committee urges Europe’s leaders to now turn their declaration of intent into a serious commitment and to press ahead with the progressive implementation of the pillar. This requires not just the commitment of the Member States but also the active ownership, responsibility and participation of all EU institutions, regional and local authorities, social partners and other civil society stakeholders – and adequate funding measures to reflect this.

“The question of how to fund the implementation of the Social Pillar is a logical consequence of its proclamation,” says Anne Demelenne (Workers’ Group, BE), the rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the subject. “In our view, the key elements for the funding will be more flexibility in EU budgetary rules for public investment, the full use of European Structural Funds and fair taxation.”

The EESC is firmly convinced that adequate social investment will be crucial for ensuring Member States’ ability to accomplish the declared objectives of achieving better and sustainable social protection and enhancing the EU’s economic potential. It believes that scope for appropriate spending could be created within Member States and with the help of EU programmes by redistributing wealth in a way that respects the principles of solidarity, flexibility and responsibility.

Spending needs would be particularly large in lower-income countries and in those that had suffered drops in income in recent years. These countries would have limited potential for additional social investment, also because their spending is often restricted by the Stability and Growth Pact and its provisions regarding Member States’ budget and debt levels.

With this in mind, the Committee urges that existing European instruments be used to support public investment in the Member States. The European Union must, the EESC believes, play an active role in implementing the Social Pillar. The European Structural and Investment Funds (EFIFs) and the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), in particular, could be sources of financial support.

As EESC rapporteur Anne Demelenne argues: “The principles of the Social Pillar and the need for its implementation should constitute one of the guiding lines in the upcoming negotiations on the European Union’s post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework. The EU budget must ensure that real added value is delivered to citizens’ lives. Only in this way will it be possible to regain their trust and support for the European project.” The EESC therefore urges, in line with the European Parliament, that the current 1% ceiling for the EU’s expenditure be increased.

More public investment within Member States could also be facilitated by invoking a Golden Rule for public investment with a social objective related to the pillar’s twenty key principles. This would allow for a more flexible application of EU budget rules to ensure sustainable growth in Europe.

“The revenue loss for Member States and the EU due to aggressive tax planning and tax fraud is significant. Appropriate tax policies should allow for fair taxation, a better combating of tax fraud and thereby raising additional means to contribute to the funding of the Social Pillar,” says Anne Demelenne.

In addition to public national and EU funding, the EESC believes private sector investment could make a contribution in some areas. However, it would not be enough in itself and could not ensure against exclusion of the socially weakest, which is why public funding would be more meaningful for the Social Pillar.

News story: Resistant gonorrhoea case demonstrates importance of safe sex

Updated: Added new UK case of antibiotic-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Latest update

Public Health England (PHE) has been investigating a UK case of Neisseria gonorrhoeae acquired in South East Asia which had high-level resistance to the 2 antibiotics, azithromycin and ceftriaxone, which are currently recommended for first-line treatment. The case has now been successfully treated with another antibiotic, ertapenem.

Dr Gwenda Hughes, Consultant Scientist and Head of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Section at PHE, said:

We are pleased to report that the case of multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea has been successfully treated. Investigations have also revealed there has been no further spread of this infection within the UK. PHE continues to actively monitor and tackle the spread of antibiotic resistance in gonorrhoea and potential treatment failures.

Two similar cases have just been reported in Australia and serve as a timely reminder that we expect to see further cases of multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea in the future. These cases will be challenging for healthcare professionals to manage. We urge the public to avoid getting or passing on gonorrhoea by using condoms consistently and correctly with all new and casual partners. If you think you have been at risk, you should seek an STI screen at a sexual health clinic.

Read the full Multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea in England: 2018 report.

Previous updates

28 March 2018

Dr Gwenda Hughes, Consultant Scientist and Head of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Section at PHE, said:

We are investigating a case who has gonorrhoea which was acquired abroad and is very resistant to the recommended first line treatment. First line treatment for gonorrhoea is a combination of 2 antibiotics (azithromycin and ceftriaxone). This is the first time a case has displayed such high-level resistance to both of these drugs and to most other commonly used antibiotics.

We are following up this case to ensure that the infection was effectively treated with other options and the risk of any onward transmission is minimised. PHE actively monitors, and acts on, the spread of antibiotic resistance in gonorrhoea and potential treatment failures, and has introduced enhanced surveillance to identify and manage resistant strains of infection promptly to help reduce further spread.

It is better to avoid getting or passing on gonorrhoea in the first place and everyone can significantly reduce their risk by using condoms consistently and correctly with all new and casual partners. Anyone who thinks they may have been at risk should seek an STI screen at a sexual health clinic.

David Mundell must come clean over Scotland Office social media ads

The Scotland Office, the branch office of the UK Tory government, seems to be using Twitter and Facebook for political purposes. Ministers are using expensive promotions to target specific groups of people and they’re paying for it with public money – our money.


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Speech: Why Britain is helping poor girls get better education: article by Boris Johnson

Movements such as #Time’sUp and #MeToo have rightfully moved sexism and discrimination out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

The problems we have in our own country are considerable and we must tackle them – robustly. But issues with gender equality in the UK should not stop or blind us to the flagrant sexism masquerading as ‘tradition’ that is not only holding millions of the world’s poorest girls back but snatching away their futures.

It is sexism that says a girl’s value is based on how many children she has, or the marital match she makes. And it’s sexism that makes some parents invest more in their sons than in their daughters. The fact is patriarchal attitudes are shutting 130 million girls out of the classroom.

There are myriad reasons why in too many countries girls are not allowed to learn. Sometimes it’s because of the chauvinistic attitudes and behaviour that have led to the economic oppression of women. Sometimes it’s because governments lack the mettle to challenge traditions that leave women and girls stuck.

That’s why Britain will lead by example. We will provide 1 million vulnerable girls across the Commonwealth with 12 years of quality education by 2030 and we’re committing £212 million to make this a reality. Educating girls is manifestly in the global interest. It will boost economic growth, curb infant mortality rates, improve child nutrition and release the pressure valve of growing population numbers.

I will use the diplomatic muscle of the Foreign Office to get the world’s poorest girls 12 years of quality education. Why 12 years, you ask? I’ve been inspired by Novel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai’s calls for all girls to have free, safe and quality education. Twelve years is the level of education needed to move a girl from just surviving to truly thriving. And it’s a public commitment that we can’t row back from.

We’ve already made major progress: In 2000, 2 out of every 10 girls of primary school age were out of school. Now it’s below 1 in 10. Simple, practical steps will help girls learn, such as providing solar lamps so that girls can do homework when it’s dark. Or free sanitary products so that girls won’t miss school because they can’t afford them. Even just bringing schools closer to where girls live will make a difference.

I want all 53 Commonwealth countries to commit to this vision because Britain cannot do this alone. It’s not just a question of resources, the Commonwealth is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies but also half of the world’s out-of-school girls. This is about priorities and countries challenging the sexism that is holding
women and girls back. Imagine the impact if we pulled together.

See also Special Envoy for Gender Equality Joanna Roper’s blog on the importance of girls’ education.