Education should encourage critical thinking and make students come out with innovative solutions: Vice President

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that education should not only prepare our youth to face challenges of a technologically-driven knowledge society, but also make them analyze critically and come out with innovative solutions to the problems faced by people.

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Response to United States report on human rights

     In response to media enquiries, a spokesman for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government today (April 21) made the following response to the comments contained in the United States Department of State’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2017 relating to the HKSAR: 

     “Since the return to the Motherland, the HKSAR has been exercising a high degree of autonomy and ‘Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong’ in strict accordance with the Basic Law. This demonstrates the full and successful implementation of the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, which has been widely recognised by the international community.

      “Foreign governments should not interfere in any form in the internal affairs of the HKSAR.”

Caucasian mafia organisation committing burglaries and retail thefts in France and Greece dismantled thanks to first-ever joint investigation team between the two countries

On 17 April 2018, more than 30 suspects, including the 4 leaders of the organised crime group, composed of Georgian and Armenian nationals, were arrested after simultaneous operations of the French and Greek judicial and law enforcement authorities in Caen and Thessaloniki.

Several coordination meetings held at Eurojust led to the first joint investigation team agreement ever signed between France and Greece on September 2017. Eurojust provided substantial logistical and financial support to the joint investigation team, which culminated in the establishment of a coordination centre at Eurojust’s premises in The Hague. The common action day was coordinated by Eurojust with the support of Europol, allowing for real-time exchange of information and cross-checks of the evidence gathered against Europol’s databases.

The transnational organised crime group (OCG) is believed to be a predominantly Georgian mafia organisation called ‘Vory V zakone’, suspected of having committed thousands of burglaries and retail thefts in the Normandy region as well as in Greece. It is estimated that the OCG committed on average 13 shoplifting acts in France and 3 house breakings in Greece a day, causing a severe damage of several millions of euros. The OCG, whose sponsors were located in Greece, was hierarchically structured and governed by rigid rules, including the provision of capital to the ‘obshak’, a fund used as a common financial deposit for criminal activities.


Eurojust is the European Union’s hub for judicial cooperation and coordination between Member States, assisting in the investigation and prosecution of cases involving serious organised cross-border crime. The judicial cooperation tools that Eurojust offers to national authorities include coordination meetings, coordination centres and joint investigation teams.

Joint investigation teams are established between the national authorities of two or more Member States to coordinate and enhance ongoing national investigations through sharing of case-related information and evidence. In 2017, Eurojust supported 200 JITs and provided EUR 1.31 million in funding to JITs.

For more information about Eurojust, see or contact Eurojust’s Corporate Communications Unit at

For all Eurojust press releases, please see (Press centre)

Caucasian mafia organisation committing burglaries and retail thefts in France and Greece dismantled thanks to first-ever joint investigation team between the two countries

On 17 April 2018, more than 30 suspects, including the 4 leaders of the organised crime group, composed of Georgian and Armenian nationals, were arrested after simultaneous operations of the French and Greek judicial and law enforcement authorities in Caen and Thessaloniki.

Several coordination meetings held at Eurojust led to the first joint investigation team agreement ever signed between France and Greece on September 2017. Eurojust provided substantial logistical and financial support to the joint investigation team, which culminated in the establishment of a coordination centre at Eurojust’s premises in The Hague. The common action day was coordinated by Eurojust with the support of Europol, allowing for real-time exchange of information and cross-checks of the evidence gathered against Europol’s databases.

The transnational organised crime group (OCG) is believed to be a predominantly Georgian mafia organisation called ‘Vory V zakone’, suspected of having committed thousands of burglaries and retail thefts in the Normandy region as well as in Greece. It is estimated that the OCG committed on average 13 shoplifting acts in France and 3 house breakings in Greece a day, causing a severe damage of several millions of euros. The OCG, whose sponsors were located in Greece, was hierarchically structured and governed by rigid rules, including the provision of capital to the ‘obshak’, a fund used as a common financial deposit for criminal activities.


Eurojust is the European Union’s hub for judicial cooperation and coordination between Member States, assisting in the investigation and prosecution of cases involving serious organised cross-border crime. The judicial cooperation tools that Eurojust offers to national authorities include coordination meetings, coordination centres and joint investigation teams.

Joint investigation teams are established between the national authorities of two or more Member States to coordinate and enhance ongoing national investigations through sharing of case-related information and evidence. In 2017, Eurojust supported 200 JITs and provided EUR 1.31 million in funding to JITs.

For more information about Eurojust, see or contact Eurojust’s Corporate Communications Unit at

For all Eurojust press releases, please see (Press centre)

Main topics and media events 23 April – 6 May 2018

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