Press Releases: Secretary Tillerson’s Meeting With Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

March 8, 2018

The following is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:

Secretary Tillerson met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in Addis Ababa today, his first stop on his first visit to Africa as U.S. Secretary of State. The Secretary emphasized long-standing U.S. commitment to and partnership with the Ethiopian people. The Secretary thanked the Prime Minister for Ethiopia’s continued leadership on regional humanitarian and security issues, noting specifically Ethiopia’s role as a host of refugees and one of the most significant contributors to peacekeeping operations, and the role Ethiopia can play in the African Union and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to improve regional relations.

The Secretary encouraged completing the democratic reforms to broaden political participation, particularly in light of the ongoing government transition. The Secretary also stressed the role of the private sector and the desire to see increasing numbers of U.S. firms invest in and export to Ethiopia, who bring with them a focus on transparency and training. The Secretary commended the Prime Minister for his commitment to Ethiopia’s future, demonstrated by his decision to step down, to facilitate a peaceful transition, and to make way for further reforms.

Press Releases: Annual Observance of International Women’s Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

March 8, 2018

As we commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8th, the United States renews our steadfast commitment to addressing inequalities between women and men at home and abroad and reaffirms the importance of advancing the status of women and girls globally. We will continue to implement measures to strengthen the economic empowerment of women and girls through policies and programs that promote entrepreneurship as well as broaden equal access to finance, decent work, training, and learning opportunities. We will build upon the success of women who have paved the way for more equality in the fields of defense, peacebuilding, and good governance, and work to solidify gains in these areas. We want to see more girls able to aspire to their full potential and to ensure they live in safe, healthy, and secure environments. Thus, we strive to create and invest in opportunities to enable girls to attain the education and freedoms they deserve.

The United States is committed to working with governments and partners around the globe to ensure that countries everywhere enable women to thrive and realize their rights. In the 21st century, it is unconscionable that about one in three women has experienced some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. Far too many societies still deprive women of their human rights, discriminate based upon sex, pose obstacles to women’s ability to contribute to economic development, or fail to uphold the laws intended to protect them. Such conditions deprive individuals, families, and communities of the contributions that empowered women can provide. As the U.S. National Security Strategy has asserted, governments that fail to treat women equally do not allow their societies to reach their full potential.

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, we recognize the leadership, contributions, and courage of women who have made sacrifices in the past, over many generations, to make the world a more safe, prosperous, and peaceful place. We pledge to ensure such progress continues.

Press Releases: United States-Armenia Hague Convention on International Child Abduction

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

March 7, 2018

On March 1, 2018, the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction entered into force between the United States and Armenia. The United States now has 77 partners under the Convention.

The Convention provides a civil law mechanism for parents seeking the return of children who have been wrongfully removed from or retained outside their country of habitual residence in violation of custodial rights. Parents seeking access to children residing in treaty partner countries may also invoke the Convention. The Convention is important because it establishes an internationally recognized legal framework to resolve international parental child abduction cases. The Convention does not address who should have custody of the child; rather it addresses where issues of child custody should be decided.

The Department of State’s Office of Children’s Issues, which serves as the Central Authority for the United States under the Convention, welcomes our partnership with Armenia and looks forward to working together on this critical issue.

For more information please visit and click on “international parental child abduction.”

For press inquiries, please contact or (202) 485-6150.

Press Releases: The United States Congratulates Australia and Timor-Leste on the Conclusion of a Maritime Boundary Treaty

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

March 6, 2018

The United States congratulates the governments of Australia and Timor-Leste for concluding a maritime boundary treaty under the first-ever conciliation process under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention. The treaty, signed on March 6 in the presence of the United Nations Secretary General, is a testament to the efficacy and importance of resolving disputes peacefully and in accordance with international law.

Press Releases: Imposition of Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act Sanctions on North Korea

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

March 6, 2018

On February 22, 2018, the United States determined under the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 (CBW Act) that the Government of North Korea used the chemical warfare agent VX to assassinate Kim Jong Nam, in the Kuala Lumpur airport.

These sanctions are in addition to existing U.S. comprehensive sanctions against targeting unlawful North Korean activities. The sanctions took effect upon publication of this determination in the Federal Register on March 5, 2018.

The United States strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons to conduct an assassination. This public display of contempt for universal norms against chemical weapons use further demonstrates the reckless nature of North Korea and underscores that we cannot afford to tolerate a North Korean WMD program of any kind.