Declining breast cancer screening must be addressed

8 Oct 2019

Only 7 out of 10 of eligible women in Scotland are currently being screened for breast cancer according to the latest statistics published today.

The Scottish Breast Screening Programme Statistics published by ISD Scotland shows that this is the lowest level since 2008/09 – 2010/11 when it was almost 3 out of 4, or 75 per cent.

In addition, between 2015/16 and 2017/18, four NHS Health Boards did not meet even the minimum standards of 70 per cent screening.

These were NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (65.8%), NHS Lanarkshire (68.0%), NHS Lothian (69.2%) and NHS Fife (69.7%).

Most worryingly, women from the more deprived areas are even less likely to go for breast cancer screening than their more affluent counterparts, with under 6 in 10 women from deprived areas going for screening compared with almost 8 in 10 women living in least deprived areas.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary said:

“This declining breast cancer screening rate is particularly concerning given that the earlier cancer is caught, the better the outcome.

“There cannot be any excuse for health boards not to meet this important screening target.

“The SNP government must ensure that all women have access to early breast cancer screening, regardless of where they live.

“We have seen repeated incidents of Health Boards getting into difficulties in a number of areas while the SNP has sat back and watched.

“The SNP must not wait until more women’s lives are at risk, they must take steps to work with NHS boards and ensure screening programmes are working effectively now.”

Scottish Conservative vote increases in by-election triumph

4 Oct 2019

The Scottish Conservatives have welcomed the result of an Aberdeen by-election – which saw a rise of more than 10 per cent in the party’s share of the vote.

The Bridge of Don election saw Sarah Cross elected as Scottish Conservative councillor.

Compared to the same elections in 2017, the Scottish Conservative share of the vote rose from 25.8 per cent to 36.2 per cent.

The party also had more first preference votes than the SNP, twice as many votes as the Liberal Democrats, and six times as many as Labour.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Many congratulations to Sarah Cross on being elected as councillor for Bridge of Don.

“She and the whole Scottish Conservative team in Aberdeen have put in a fantastic shift and this is due reward for their efforts.

“The result proves that the Scottish Conservatives go into the coming weeks with momentum in our favour.

“People have had enough of the SNP’s relentless pursuit of more division.

“They want us to sort Brexit, they want the SNP to dump its independence referendum, and they want us all to get on with sorting out the things that matter.”

“It’s also clear from this result that people see both Labour and the Liberal Democrats as weak and irrelevant in Scotland.

“People know that if you want a party to take on the SNP and stand up for the referendums we’ve held, we are their only choice.

“This is a party in good heart and we are up for the fight ahead.”

Now Sturgeon wants a ‘neverendum’ on Brexit

3 Oct 2019

Nicola Sturgeon would rather have a “neverendum” on Brexit than secure a deal that would see the UK leave the EU in an orderly manner, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

Her refusal to back the UK Government’s efforts in securing a Brexit agreement also shows the SNP would happily see a no-deal departure from the EU.

Despite claiming she would “do everything possible” to stop no deal, the First Minister has repeatedly ordered her MPs to vote against the various compromises tabled in Westminster.

And today, she again refused to back the latest deal tabled by the Prime Minister, which is currently being considered in Brussels.

Jackson Carlaw challenged Ms Sturgeon at First Minister’s Questions to explain why she won’t match her no-deal rhetoric with action.

Instead, she reaffirmed her belief that the result of the 2016 referendum should be discarded.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“We are at the 11th hour and there’s a need on all sides to compromise in order to reach a negotiated settlement.

“But the SNP continues to refuse to do that. Instead, Nicola Sturgeon would rather see a ‘neverendum’ on Brexit, much like the one she pursues on independence.

“She says she will ‘do everything possible’ to stop No Deal.

“Yet, despite three opportunities so far this year, her MPs haven’t ever backed a deal.

“Instead, she wants either a no-deal Brexit or Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister – anything that will boost support for her selfish independence plans.

“The truth is Nicola Sturgeon never has wanted a deal and never will, and she’s not prepared to respect the result of any referendum.

“The people of Scotland want Brexit done, and that’s what the First Minister should be working to achieve.”

SNP fails to change fire safety tests criticised by Grenfell experts

1 Oct 2019

The SNP government has retained a “flawed” fire safety test for buildings which was criticised by experts to the Grenfell Inquiry.

New laws come into force today following amendments to the Scottish Building Standards Technical Handbooks.

However, the Scottish Government has retained a test which allows combustible materials on the outside of high-rise and high-risk buildings, despite the same materials being banned in England and Wales.

The BS 8414 system was criticised by both the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and other witnesses to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, who said it wasn’t “relevant” to new buildings.

The European Commission has also rejected the test.

Scottish Conservative housing spokesman Graham Simpson said:

“I welcome a number of the steps taken by the Scottish Government on fire safety, including additional requirements for escape routes and sprinklers.

“However, I am deeply concerned and disappointed that the Scottish Government has confirmed it will retain BS 8414 as an option for compliance.

“The retention of this flawed testing route undermines these positive steps by continuing to permit combustible materials on to our buildings in Scotland.

“The simple solution is to join England and Wales and simply ban the products from being used on these buildings.

“People have the right to expect that the buildings they live and work in are safe.

“In light of the mounting expert criticism, there is serious doubt as to whether this test is robust enough to reflect real-life conditions.

“A safer alternative exists, and that’s one we should be following.”

Scottish Conservative success bringing Finn’s law to Scotland

1 Oct 2019

Finn’s Law has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament as part of the Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Bill.

This is a major success for the Scottish Conservatives who have been campaigning with PC Dave Wardell to introduce the new criminal offence of harming or killing a service animal, known as Finn’s Law.

Liam Kerr’s petition to implement Finn’s Law was created a year ago and has now been signed by almost 57,000 people.

Liam Kerr MSP, Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary said:

“This is great news and a real success for PC Dave Wardell, PD Finn and all their supporters.

“The Scottish Conservatives brought the Finn’s Law campaign to Scotland to update the law and give brave police animals the legal protection they deserved.

“It looks like this is now going to be a reality, and that Scotland will now catch up to the rest of the UK in this important area.

“I would like to thank the 57,000 people who signed my petition and put their support to this important campaign.

“We will now monitor the passage of this bill extremely closely and ensure it protects police animals and punishes those who harm them.

“The success of the Finn’s Law campaign shows how the Scottish Conservatives are delivering in opposition.”