Labour buckle to the SNP over indyref2

25 Nov 2019

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has admitted on national radio that he would grant the SNP a second referendum on independence.

Speaking on a BBC Radio Scotland phone-in, he said a Jeremy Corbyn-led government in Westminster would not stand in the way of another separation vote.

It confirms the party’s position that, should it get into Number 10 at this General Election, a referendum re-run could be held before the end of its first term.

He said today: “If the SNP or other parties put in their manifesto that they wanted to hold a second independence referendum and they got a mandate for that, either in 2021 or at some future point, then of course what we are saying is that would not be blocked by a UK Labour Westminster government.”

His concession follows the deletion of opposition to an independence referendum in Labour’s Scottish manifesto, and repeated statements from Jeremy Corbyn suggesting he’s open to a deal with the SNP.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“This confirms Richard Leonard has fallen into line with Jeremy Corbyn in opening the door for a second independence referendum.

“Voters can now be left in no doubt that a vote for Labour is a vote for a return to the bitterness and division of a campaign to break up Britain.

“People in Scotland want to move on from referendums, but now both Labour and the SNP are fighting to keep that misery going.

“Only the Scottish Conservatives will get Scotland moving forward so we can focus on things that really matter like schools, hospitals and the economy.”

Scots Tories back 2030 World Cup bid for Scotland

25 Nov 2019

A STRONG group of Scottish Conservative MPs will push for the UK and Ireland to stage the 2030 football World Cup.

The message was set out today by former Aberdeen goalkeeper Derek Stillie, who is standing for the Scottish Conservatives in Central Ayrshire.

The party is pushing to overturn the SNP’s 1,200 majority in the seat.

In Sunday’s UK manifesto, the party committed to build on the fantastic track record that the UK has in delivering major international sporting events – with a commitment to supporting a potential UK and Ireland 2030 World Cup bid.

Mr Stillie said today that Scottish Conservative MPs would work to deliver the tournament so Scottish cities could stage World Cup games.

Derek said:

“Football is in Scotland’s blood. It’s part of our DNA. And what better way to get a new generation involved in our national game than to see World Cup games being played on Scottish soil?”

“That’s why I’m delighted that our manifesto yesterday committed us to backing the 2030 World Cup bid. Bringing the World Cup to Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland is something we can all get behind.”

“I hope the SNP come on board with this plan. The great pity, however, is that instead of finding ways to work together, all Nicola Sturgeon and her group of Westminster candidates are focussed on is the division that would be created by another referendum.”

“Scotland wants no more of it – and It has to stop.”

“I’m taking off my gloves to stand as a Scottish Conservative MP because I want to take Scotland forward. So instead of sending MPs to Westminster to create more division, I’m asking people to send Scottish Conservatives like me to go to Westminster to bring back positive change for Scotland.”

Victory for mesh campaigners as Sturgeon agrees to meeting

25 Nov 2019

Mesh campaigners have been praised after securing a long-awaited meeting with the First Minister.

The women, supported by MSPs across the political spectrum, will have a face-to-face meeting with Nicola Sturgeon in Glasgow tomorrow (Monday).

It comes following pressure from MSPs from the Scottish Conservatives, Labour and the SNP.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw directly challenged Ms Sturgeon to meet the campaigners at First Minister’s Questions last month.

The campaigners have spent years highlighting the problems with mesh implants, and the importance of securing a leading US surgeon to carry out removal procedures and train other medics in the process.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“These brave women have campaigned for years for justice.

“I’m delighted they’ve finally secured their meeting with the First Minister, and I hope this now leads to real change.

“The work to raise the profile of this appeal, and the plight of the women whose lives have been so devastated by this procedure, has been a genuinely cross-party effort.

“It just shows how effective politics can be when everyone puts aside their differences to work together.”

SNP MSP Alex Neil said:

“This is a critically important meeting to progress the mesh campaign 

“The key objective is to ensure that everything possible is done to meet the needs of the women affected by botched procedures in particular by obtaining the services of Dr Veronikis.

“His pioneering work on mesh is world leading and women in Scotland deserve the best.”

Elaine Holmes, who leads the mesh campaign, said:

“Scottish mesh survivors have long requested a meeting with the First Minister in our fight for justice and we are pleased that this opportunity has now arisen.

“It is vital that the meeting is used to address a number of substantive issues where progress must be made such as bringing Dr Veronikis to Scotland.

“I and countless other women in Scotland have suffered life changing injuries because of mesh and we will be seeking a range of commitments on Monday where action must be taken by the Scottish Government.”

SNP must take responsibility for hospital failings

20 Nov 2019

SNP government ministers have been criticised for “pointing the finger at everyone else” for their failings following a statement to Holyrood by the health secretary today.

Jeane Freeman was addressing major problems at the nationalists’ £800 million flagship hospital – the Queen Elizabeth in Glasgow – following the death of two patients at the adjacent Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

Families have accused the SNP government of a cover-up, and today Ms Freeman said she’d asked the head of NHS Scotland to review the cases.

However, shadow health secretary Miles Briggs said his counterpart had run out of excuses and should resign or be sacked over the fiasco.

Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary Miles Briggs said:

“I am sorry to say that for the families Jeane Freeman’s statement will do little to reassure or answer the many and increasing questions over patient safety at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus.

“At the heart of this scandal, we must never forget, are grieving families who are completely unsatisfied and think there has been a cover-up, and who can blame them?

“The families deserve to get the vital answers they seek and Ms Freeman has today simply posed more questions regarding what she knew and when around patients, as well as the SNP government not being informed or to this date provided with health board reports.

“We need to see openness and full transparency from SNP minsters and for the Scottish Parliament to be given full details.

“The fact that Jeane Freeman has not been provided with a report from 2017 is deeply concerning.

“The SNP planned and built this hospital, and has presided over its first few years in operation – it can’t just keep pointing the finger at everyone else.

“As the SNP health secretary, the buck stops with Jeane Freeman.

“This is just another NHS failure by the SNP, and it’s time the senior minister in charge of it all took some responsibility.”

Sturgeon’s “delusion and double-standards” on independence

20 Nov 2019

The Scottish Conservatives have attacked Nicola Sturgeon’s “delusion and double-standards” on the impact of independence following her ITV interview last night.

Quizzed following the TV debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, the First Minister insisted that an independent Scotland would create no borders, would not join the Euro, and that the country’s £12.6 billion deficit could be easily managed.

She also confirmed that, even if the UK remained in the European Union, she would still demand a second independence referendum next year.

Paul Masterton, Scottish Conservative candidate for East Renfrewshire said:

“Nicola Sturgeon spends every waking hour desperately talking up the downsides of the UK’s departure from the EU. Yet, when it comes to Scotland leaving our own Union, she suddenly can’t see what the fuss is all about.”

“According to her, we’d leave the UK and there’d be no borders, we’d stay out of the euro, and we’d sort out our deficit at no cost whatsoever.”

“The First Minister is utterly deluded. What’s remarkable is she doesn’t even seem to recognise her own double-standards.”

He added:

“For three years, Nicola Sturgeon has claimed the Brexit vote as a justification for a second independence referendum. Now she’s confirmed that even if we were to remain in the EU, she’d demand another referendum next year anyway. Outside the EU or inside – it doesn’t matter; all that matters to Nicola Sturgeon is taking Scotland out of the UK.”

“Voters at this election need to know – Nicola Sturgeon will play the ardent Remainer prior to December 12th– and then re-emerge as the ideological nationalist the day after. Every vote she wins will be used as a wedge to drive the UK apart.”

“The only way to stop the division and get the country moving forward together is by voting Scottish Conservatives.”