Scottish Conservatives launch election pledge

1 Jun 2017


The Scottish Conservatives have today launched five key pledges for the General Election – setting out their promises to people in Scotland who vote for them a week today.

Scottish Conservatives MPs elected on June 8 will stand on a clear pledge to respect the democratic decisions taken in the last few years, and make Scotland and the UK stronger.

The five-point pledge commits every Scottish Conservative MP to:

  • Respect Scotland’s decision to stay in the UK.
  • Oppose the SNP’s second referendum.
  • Deliver for Scotland – so we lead the UK, not leave it.
  • Strengthen bonds between Westminster and Holyrood.
  • Work for the best Brexit deal in Scotland and the UK.

Launching the pledge in South Queensferry today, Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“We want to send a strong team of Scottish Conservative MPs to Westminster not to divide but to deliver for Scotland.

“Every Scottish Conservative MP will stand by our decision to say no to independence.

“Instead of spending their time on yet more constitutional division, every Scottish Conservative MP will instead focus on ensuring Scotland’s voice is heard where it counts.

“We will seek to strengthen the ties between Holyrood and Westminster, so our country works better for all.

“And we will work hard to ensure we get the best Brexit deal for everyone, right across the UK.

“Too many SNP MPs in the last two years have failed to meet the standards we expect of them, and have failed to deliver.

“Scottish Conservative MPs will work constructively and positively in Westminster to get real results for Scotland and the UK.”

MP dossier reveals how the SNP’s ‘lion has snored’

31 May 2017


New analysis examining the performance of SNP MPs at Westminster shows “the lion hasn’t roared, it has snored”, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

The 31-page document reveals how much nationalist MPs have claimed in expenses since being elected in 2015, as well as the number of times they’ve voted, the foreign trips they’ve been on and the rate of constituency questions answered.

The study shows 33 of the 54 SNP MPs are ranked in the bottom half of all MPs for response rates to constituents.

They also totted up huge amounts in expenses, with Edinburgh South West MP Joanna Cherry the second most expensive MP in the UK.

And despite senior SNP figures criticising politicians have second jobs, 13 nationalists raked in thousands in additional payments.

As well as the analysis laid out in the document, three MPs were investigated by police last year, with two – Michelle Thomson and Natalie McGarry – having to resign the whip.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“After the last General Election, dozens of SNP MPs trooped down to Westminster.

“We were promised a new style of politics, and Alex Salmond boasted that the ‘Scottish lion has roared’.

“But the conclusion from this document is clear – the lion hasn’t roared, it has snored.

“And if Scotland wants better, more constructive and thoughtful representation, there would be no better place to start than voting this lot out.”

To see the full document, visit:

SNP criticised for use of doctored NHS logo

30 May 2017

IN PIC................. (c) Wullie Marr/DEADLINE NEWS For pic details, contact Wullie Marr........... 07989359845

The Scottish Conservatives have hit out at the SNP’s attempt to use the NHS as part of its election campaign.

The SNP posted a graphic last night adapting the NHS logo to construct the phrase “NHSNP”.

It appears to be in breach of the NHS’s own rules which state that its logo must “never be altered or modified in any way.”

Scottish Conservative health spokesman Donald Cameron said: 

“It would appear that the SNP has breached the NHS’s own strict rules on the use of its logo which states clearly that it should ‘never be altered or modified in any way’.

“The SNP should explain whether or not it obtained permission from NHS Scotland before publishing this image.

“More importantly, the SNP should accept that it is quite simply wrong to appropriate the NHS for its own political ends.”

NHS identity guidelines can be found here. On page 5 it states: “Our identity needs to be consistently and correctly applied, and must never be altered or modified in any way.”

The SNP’s graphic can be found here:

Corbyn states again that he would be open to indyref2 discussions

30 May 2017


Jeremy Corbyn has stated once again that he would allow another referendum on independence, and also refused to say whether he would block another vote before Brexit is completed.

On a campaign visit today Corbyn said he would allow another referendum “if the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people want it”.

It comes after he admitted yesterday that he would “open discussions” with the SNP about another referendum.

It once again calls into question Labour’s claim that they are opposed to a second referendum, and proves that only the Scottish Conservatives can be trusted to stand up for the union.

Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary Murdo Fraser MSP said:

“Mr Corbyn’s comment today proves that his statement yesterday that he was ‘open’ to discussions on a second referendum wasn’t a gaffe.

“If he’s elected Prime Minister, he really would be prepared to sit down with Nicola Sturgeon and discuss her plan for a second referendum.

“His comments in the last 24 hours have exposed Scottish Labour’s claim to be opposed to a second referendum as a complete sham.

“Mr Corbyn would sell us all out in Scotland in a heartbeat.

“It only goes to show that the only party you can trust to stand against the SNP’s unwanted referendum is the Scottish Conservatives.”

Nobody fooled by Sturgeon anymore

30 May 2017


Please see below a response from Ruth to the launch of the SNP manifesto.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“Nicola Sturgeon tried her usual trick today of trying to ignore independence in her speech, but making sure she’s pushing for it in her manifesto. Nobody is fooled anymore.

“Strip away the bluster and it’s written down in black and white –  she wants to drag Scotland back to another referendum by as early as next Autumn.

“That would cost jobs, risk our economy, and distract us all from the real job in hand – improving our schools and public services.

“This was a tired manifesto launch by a First Minister who has failed in this campaign to give people a single, positive reason for voting for her party.

“Nicola Sturgeon mentioned ‘the Tories’ over twenty times in her speech as she knows it is a two horse race between our two parties in seats right across the country.

“Next week, we can all send her a clear message that we have had enough by voting Scottish Conservative – to say no to a second referendum, so we can all move on.”