Number of Special Constables in Scotland has more than halved since 2013

12 Mar 2018

Maurice Corrie

Research by the Scottish Conservatives has found that the number of Special Constables in Scotland has more than halved since 2013.

The figures, from a Freedom of Information request by Maurice Corry MSP, show that since 2013, over 750 officers have been lost, with numbers down from 1387 in 2013 to 610 in 2018.

This appears to be the result of a failure to recruit new Special Constables which have also been falling dramatically from 251 in 2013 to only 85 in 2017.

At a local level, the response shows that there are only 23 officers in Renfrewshire & Inverclyde (K Division), while the whole of Lanarkshire (Q Division) has only 27. These two areas had 63 and 126 specials respectively in 2013.

Commenting on the figures Maurice Corry, Scottish Conservative community safety spokesman said:

“Special Constables make an important contribution to the policing of our streets, deterring crime and interacting with communities.

“The SNP has presided over years of declining numbers of Special Constables without addressing it in any meaningful way.

“I am extremely concerned about this massive drop in numbers of Special Constables given their importance and the effect this is having on Police Scotland capability.

“The SNP must explain why it has let this happen, if it is by design or just sheer incompetence.

“The SNP must address this decline quickly and ensure that the policing capability in Scotland is not compromised in any way.”

Ruth Davidson and Michael Gove back a fair deal on fishing

11 Mar 2018


Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affiars Michael Gove have today released a joint statement backing a fair deal for Britain’s fishing communities.

It comes after fishing leaders last week criticisied EU draft guidelines last week on access to UK waters.

Please see the full text below.

“In the referendum campaign in 2016, we were on opposing sides. However, now that the vote has happened and Britain has decided to leave the EU, we are united in our determination to ensure Brexit delivers for Britain’s fishing communities.

“We believe it is vital that we regain control over our own fisheries management. We want to use the opportunity of Brexit to secure a sustainable marine environment for the next generation.

“As proud Scots, we feel a particular debt to fishing communities who are looking to government to deliver a better deal for them. We agree we must deliver a fairer allocation for the British fleet in our own waters.

“As we leave the EU, we want the UK to become an independent coastal state, negotiating access annually with our neighbours. And during the implementation period we will ensure that British fishermen’s interests are properly safeguarded.

“The Prime Minister has been clear: Britain will leave the CFP as of March 2019. We both support her wholeheartedly.

“Whatever differences we had on Brexit, we both agree that our fishing industry stands to benefit from our departure from the Common Fisheries Policy. We are both committed to doing all we can to make those benefits real.”

Scottish Conservatives lodge 147 amendments to SNP’s ‘wrecking bill’

11 Mar 2018


The Scottish Conservatives have submitted a total of 147 amendments to the Scottish Government’s “farcical” Continuity Bill – as the party steps up the pressure this week for the SNP to dump it altogether.

In total, 231 amendments have been lodged from all parties at the Parliament.

Adam Tomkins, the party’s constitutional spokesman today warns that Holyrood risks being turned into a “laughing stock” if the Bill is allowed to continue on its current schedule.

For example, on Tuesday, MSPs on the Finance Committee face analysing all 231 amendments in just one session – a direct consequence of the SNP’s attempt to push the emergency legislation through.

The Scottish Conservatives’ 147 amendments is eight more than the number brought forward by the SNP to the European Withdrawal Bill at Westminster.

The party is now urging the SNP to scrap the Bill – and focus instead on crucial discussions with the UK Government to deliver more powers for the Parliament.

It comes as the Prime Minister is due to meet Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday.

Scottish Conservative constitution spokesman Adam Tomkins said:

“We’ve already made clear that the SNP’s wrecking bill is bad law. The fact that parties at Holyrood have had to introduce more than 200 amendments only serves to demonstrate just how flawed it is.

“Farcically, MSPs from all parties will now have just one session on Tuesday to analyse them all before the SNP insists on an immediate vote.

“We are in danger of turning the Scottish Parliament into a laughing stock.

“The best thing for all concerned is for the bill to be dumped altogether.

“The only reason the SNP brought this forward in the first place was because it wanted a dry run for an independence referendum bill.

“Meanwhile, the actual business of the Scottish Parliament has now totally ground to a halt.

“Nicola Sturgeon should dump this pointless and farcical bill now – and get back to the negotiating table to secure a Brexit deal that delivers for us all.”

Secondary school teacher numbers plummeting under SNP

9 Mar 2018


The Scottish Government has released figures showing that the number of secondary school teachers with a main subject has plummeted by over eleven per cent in the last ten years.

New figures published by the Scottish Government taken from the Teacher Census 2017 show that teacher numbers who teach in a main subject have dropped from 24,418 in 2008 to 21,707 in 2017, a loss of 2,711.

While secondary school teacher numbers have risen slightly over the last two years, these figures highlight a decade of decline under the SNP.

Most worryingly, english teachers have dropped almost 20 per cent, maths teachers have dropped 15 per cent and general science teachers have dropped 11 per cent.

Lastly, most modern language teachers have also seen massive drops, for example, french teachers have dropped by 32 percent and german teachers have dropped by 44 per cent.

Scottish Conservative shadow education secretary Liz Smith MSP said:

“The SNP’s empty promises on increasing teacher numbers have been laid bare as specialist secondary school teacher numbers continue to plummet.

“It is obvious that teachers are the most important resource in any school and so it is clear that this substantial decline in numbers will have a significantly negative effect on the level of education school children receive.

“Despite the SNP claiming the teacher shortage is diminishing because of extra recruits taken in in recent months, these statistics show the number of teachers is still dramatically lower than in 2008.

“We all know that the confusion and chaos during the SNP’s implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence has driven many teachers away.

“This is further evidence that a generation of school children is being badly let down by the SNP.”

Football act’s conviction rate slumps to 3-year low

9 Mar 2018

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The conviction rate of the SNP’s hated Offensive Behaviour at Football legislation has fallen to its lowest in three years – with a third of cases collapsing.

New figures have revealed that, of the 229 cases brought to court last year, just 157 resulted in a conviction.

That means the controversial Offensive Behaviour at Football (Scotland) Act had a conviction rate of 68.5 per cent in 2016/17.

It compares to 75.6 per cent in 2015/16, and 84.4 per cent the year before that.

The Scottish Conservatives said the slump in conviction rates was more proof that the act had to be scrapped, ahead of a Stage Three debate on the issue next week.

Shadow justice secretary Liam Kerr said it was clear sheriffs weren’t convinced by the legislation, the introduction of which the Scottish Conservatives have opposed from the outset.

Of all parties at Holyrood, only the SNP wants to see the act continue, despite widespread criticism from the judiciary and football supporters.

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Liam Kerr said:

“The fact the conviction rate with this act has slumped to a new low shows again why it has to be dropped.

“Clearly the courts don’t have faith in it as a piece of legislation, and football fans are sick of being victimised in this way.

“The Scottish Conservatives argued from the start that this was a needless move by the SNP, yet still the nationalists are sticking to their guns on this hated law.

“No-one, with the exception of the blinkered SNP, thinks this legislation is fair or reasonable, and it should be axed immediately.”