
Author Archives: Russia

Economic response to Ukraine-imposed sanctions

Dmitry Medvedev’s answer to a media question. Excerpts from the transcript: Dmitry Medvedev’s answer to a media question Question: A presidential executive order on Russia’s response measures with regard to Ukraine was released yesterday. The President instructed you to develop … read more

Russian-Belgian talks

Dmitry Medvedev held talks with Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel. Dmitry Medvedev’s meets with Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel News conference by Dmitry Medvedev and Charles Michel following talks Dmitry Medvedev’s meets with Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel Russian-Belgian … read more

12th ASEM Summit

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) was formally established at the first ASEM Summit in March 1996 in Bangkok, Thailand. ASEM currently has 53 partners, including 31 European members (28 EU member states plus Norway, Switzerland and the European Commission) and 22 … read more