Dmitry Medvedev congratulates President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 95th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey

The message reads, in part:

“Russia and Turkey enjoy friendly and neighbourly relations, with important results achieved in strengthening trade, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.

I am confident that active and coordinated work between our governments will further promote the full range of bilateral cooperation and create favourable conditions to launch new promising projects and initiatives in energy, infrastructure, industry and other areas.”

On 5-7 November, Dmitry Medvedev will pay an official visit to China

During his 5 November visit to Shanghai, the Prime Minister will meet with President of China Xi Jinping and attend the opening ceremony of the first China International Import Expo.

On 7 November, Beijing will host the 23rd regular meeting of Russian and Chinese heads of government. Dmitry Medvedev and Premier of the State Council of China Li Keqiang will hold a thorough discussion of the key aspects of Russian-Chinese trade, economic, investment, energy, interregional, border and cultural cooperation, and review the implementation of large joint projects in industry, energy, transport, agriculture, research and innovation.

The two heads of government will also exchange views on integrating the Eurasian Economic Union and China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Following the talks, Dmitry Medvedev and Li Keqiang will sign a joint communique. A number of intergovernmental, inter-agency and corporate documents on various aspects of bilateral cooperation have been prepared for signing.

Communiqué from the 32nd meeting of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia (Moscow, 15 October 2018)

The 32nd meeting of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia was held on 15 October 2018 and was chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who is also the Chairman of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia. The participants included the heads of major international companies and banks. The Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia provides continuous assistance to the Government in developing measures designed to create an efficient environment for doing business, drawing investment and promoting exports.

The members of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council in Russia (hereinafter the Advisory Council) took part in formulating proposals aimed at improving the legislative framework and enforcing the rules governing the business environment. Much effort went into compliance with environmental standards during manufacturing and disposal of used products.

In 2019, the Advisory Council will focus on the following priority areas.

Digitalisation of the economy and advanced technology.

Drafting proposals for implementing advanced technological solutions, as well as the best available technology in renewable energy, energy efficiency, road construction, and dynamic labour procurement.

Drafting proposals for improving regulations on Big Data and Master Data generated as part of state information systems and tracking and labeling information systems.

Participating in the development of measures to create an attractive environment for developing engineering and currently-in-demand competencies, to improve the quality of training to create innovation centres and production sites.

Developing measures to simplify the introduction of innovative products, components, ingredients and technologies, including the introduction of industry standards and the revision of regulations in the sphere of sustainable development and the circular economy.

Localisation and regional development.

Systematic development of Russia’s localisation potential to improve the availability of raw materials and equipment that are unmatched in Russia.

Drafting proposals to eliminate excessive requirements for the domestic manufacturing of industrial output in Russia in order to deepen it and enhance the country’s appeal for foreign direct investment and maximisation of added value.

Improving tax and customs legislation and administration.

Developing measures to improve the institution of an authorised economic operator and to comply with the best international practices.

Developing a position and, if necessary, drafting proposals to improve the procedure for determining and controlling the customs value of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, related to the transport costs and license fees included in the customs value.

Developing approaches to legal consolidation of non-tax payments.

Consumer market development and technical regulation.

Drafting proposals for harmonising fundamental approaches to the development and functioning of various state electronic systems in the sphere of consumer goods tracking and accounting.

Drafting recommendations and proposals for the comprehensive promotion of the healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition principles among the public.

Developing recommendations regarding the technical regulations of the Customs Union in part related to trade regulation.

Expert assistance in assessing the actual impact of amendments to the Federal Law On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trade Activity in the Russian Federation adopted in 2016.

Promoting healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry.

Developing proposals for improving the legislative framework in distributing medicines and medical devices, increasing the effectiveness of measures to improve access to innovative techniques, as well as creating a comprehensive drug supply system.

Natural resources and environment.

Drafting proposals to simplify the legal requirements for the submission of application documents to obtain public services by foreign companies.

Drafting proposals to improve legislation in state environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment.

Drafting proposals to improve legislation on wastewater, as well as to improve regulations on the handling of production and consumption waste, including licensing issues.

Developing the banking sector and financial markets.

Drafting proposals to finalise the criteria for lending institution access to the federal and regional budgets providing for the use of the rankings assigned by the Russian rating agencies as the key measure of a lending institution’s stability.

The implementation of the above priority tasks will allow the Advisory Council to make a weighty contribution to improving the investment climate in Russia. Advisory Council members operate on the premise that these goals can be accomplished provided the systematic work to strengthen the Russian economy is in place.

The next 33rd meeting of the Advisory Council will be held on 21 October 2019.

Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Giuseppe Conte

The meeting was held as part of the Italian Prime Minister’s official visit to the Russian Federation.

Excerpts from the transcript:

Meeting with President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Giuseppe Conte

Dmitry Medvedev: Mr Prime Minister, distinguished colleague, let me extend my heartfelt greetings to you. We met recently at the Asia-Europe Meeting in Brussels, and now we have an opportunity to exchange views on Russian-Italian relations. Let me start by wishing you every success as President of the Council of Ministers of Italy. I am certain that your meeting today with President Putin and the talks and other events that will take place as part of your visit will be really important, giving a new impetus to our relations.

We have already had a brief conversation on current developments over dinner. It is obvious that Russian-Italian relations are in pretty good shape. Despite certain challenges, trade has been on the rise. It all gets much more complicated in terms of Russia’s relations with the European Union. However, that is not what this visit is about. Today, we are here to discuss Russian-Italian cooperation. Once again, let me extend my heartfelt greetings to you.

Giuseppe Conte (via interpreter): Mr Prime Minister, I have very warm memories of our meeting in Brussels. This is already the second time we have met today. It is easier for us to establish personal, friendly relations because the friendship between our countries has already been strengthened by a long-standing tradition of strong cultural, trade and economic ties. I would like to convey to you the sincere affection and special care that Italians feel for the Russian people. The Italian people have this feeling despite all the current challenges and the tension between the West and the East. Of course, these tensions and challenges do not help. If we want our relations to remain as direct and broad as they are, we need to carry on with our work and engage in meaningful dialogue. This is why I am here today. Thank you.

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On 24 October, Dmitry Medvedev will meet with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Moscow to discuss large joint projects

During the talks, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his Italian counterpart, Giuseppe Conte, will discuss current issues related to Russian-Italian trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, as well as the implementation of large joint projects in energy, industry, high technology and other areas.

President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Giuseppe Conte will be in Russia on an official visit at the invitation of President of Russia Vladimir Putin.