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Rhodri Morgan 1939-2017

“Wales hasn’t just lost a great politician, we’ve lost a real father figure. In very many ways Rhodri wasn’t like other politicians, and that is why people warmed to him, trusted him and felt like they knew him so well. He was funny, clever, engaging on almost any topic and absolutely passionate about all things Welsh.

“I owe him a great deal, just as we all do in Wales. He did so much to fight for, and then establish devolution in the hearts and minds of the public in our country. His bright confidence was infectious, and we can see much of Rhodri’s can-do attitude in our modern Wales. That first decade of self-governance, and making distinct choices for Wales will forever be associated with his leadership.

“He will be hugely missed, and my thoughts are with Julie and all the family at this sad time.”

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Vaughan Gething welcomes improving NHS performance

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has welcomed new statistics that show improved NHS performance across a range of measures, despite increasing demand for services across Wales. 

Thursday 18 May 2017

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has welcomed new statistics that show improved NHS performance across a range of measures, despite increasing demand for services across Wales.  

The latest statistics show: 

  • over 80% of immediately life-threatening ambulance calls received a response within eight minutes, a record high since the introduction of the new clinical model
  • the number of people experiencing delayed transfers of care from hospital remains close to record lows, despite the increasing demand for health and social care services
  • the number of people waiting over eight weeks for a diagnostic test is the lowest for six years
  • A higher percentage of patients spent less than four hours in all emergency care facilities from arrival until admission, transfer or discharge and 922 fewer patients waited more than 12 hours compared to the previous month
  • the end of March saw the best performance against the 26 week and 36 week referral to treatment targets for three years
  • performance against the Urgent Suspected Cancer target is the best since November 2014 
  • demand for NHS services is increasing across every single activity and performance measure monitored by Statistics for Wales

Vaughan Gething said: 

“We are seeing improvements across a range of performance measures in the NHS in Wales.  This is happening as more and more people are seeking access to NHS treatment covered by these measures. 

“Investment in the NHS is the highest it has ever been.  This year we have invested an additional £240m in the Welsh NHS to meet the ongoing growth in demand and costs of services.  

“I want to thank NHS staff for their efforts.  We will continue to work to improve performance for patients but these statistics paint a very positive picture for Wales.”

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New housing development made possible thanks to Welsh Government funding

Cwrt Yr Eglwys in Canton was developed by Taff Housing Association in partnership with Cardiff City Council and Pendragon Construction.

The scheme consists of 16 one bedroom flats and four, three bedroom houses.

The Cabinet Secretary said the success of the scheme was a result of good partnership working.

Carl Sargeant said:

“I am always keen to visit schemes which have received Welsh Government funding, to see for myself the benefits our investment can bring to communities.

“I am pleased we have been able to support Taff Housing Association in this development with funding from the Social Housing Grant programme and the Smaller Properties programme. In 2016/17 we made available £4.2 million from the Social Housing Grant programme to support the delivery of affordable housing schemes in Cardiff which are either on site or about to start on site.

“Increasing the supply of homes in Wales remains a top priority for the Welsh Government, which is why we have pledged to deliver 20,000 affordable homes during this administration. I am committed to working with developers, housing associations and local authorities to bring forward schemes which will increase the supply of good quality affordable homes.”

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Innovative products keep Wales competitive in global marketplace

  • Over 1 million international visits to Wales in 2016 with record-breaking spend
  • Industry leaders gather for Tourism Summit to discuss future challenges
  • £2 million announced for projects to celebrate Year of Legends and Year of the Sea
  • The Wales Way will be launched during Year of Legends while 2019 is named as Year of Discovery. 

The number of international visits to Wales in 2016 was 1.074 million, and the associated spend was £444 million.

This is the first time since 2008 that Wales has attracted over a million international visits, while these are the highest spend figures ever recorded for Wales.  

The news comes as leaders from the tourism industry in Wales and the UK have gathered for a Tourism Summit, organised by Visit Wales, to discuss future trends and challenges for the industry. 

The Economy Secretary, Ken Skates, said: 

“The tourism Industry in Wales is in very good shape. And the fact that we saw record breaking spend from overseas visitors last year and crossed the million visitors for the first time in 8 years is excellent news.  We fully recognise how competitive the market is and the challenges facing the industry.  Our future vision – especially in light of the EU Referendum result – is to do more again to build on this sense of confidence and to internationalise our reputation and approach.”

The first of Wales’ themed years was a great success, Visit Wales marketing activity for 2016 generated an additional £370 million for the Welsh economy – which is an 18% increase on 2015. This shows visitors were definitely influenced by Visit Wales marketing before taking a trip to Wales. Today, the Cabinet Secretary announced the continuation of the themed years with a new ‘Year of Discovery’ in 2019 which will build on the three themes of adventure, culture and great outdoors. 

The main focus of the Tourism Summit – which took place at the Metropole Llandrindod Wells, and was attended by 150 tourism leaders and speakers, was to discuss how Wales can remain vigilant to new emerging trends and changing market conditions. 

Innovative projects are key to future success. Today, the Cabinet Secretary announced that £2 million had been approved for a total of 38 projects across Wales under the Tourism Product Innovation Fund and Regional Tourism Engagement Fund.  This funding will enable the private and public sectors to develop innovative projects that will stimulate demand and improve the visitor offer through supporting the Year of Legends campaign while also looking forward to the Year of the Sea. 

The Economy Secretary also announced another innovative project which will be launched to visitors at the end of the Year of Legends.  ‘The Wales Way’ will be a new world class family of tourism routes.  The Economy Secretary, said: 

“Although the routes will be centred around core road networks – which I can confirm will include the A55 Cultural Corridor to the north, the A487 to the west, and the A470 through the heart of Wales – they will be much more than driving routes. They will celebrate various modes of transport, encouraging visitors to discover hidden gems and immerse themselves in local experiences, providing the ‘glue’ that draws together and amplifies our existing tourism offer.”

A period of engagement with key regional and local industry partners and stakeholders will take place over the next few months to ensure that each route represents the very best of the regions.   

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Every child in Wales to have access to recognised nurse throughout their school education

Each secondary school and their cluster primaries will have an identified school nurse and associated health team with a variety of skills, who will be accessible for support and advice as children progress through their education both within and outside term time.  

The new School Nursing Framework is designed to ensure young people receive consistent expert support from a healthcare professional who is familiar with their health and wellbeing needs. The framework provides commitment to a seamless service for health and lifestyle support and advice to all families from birth, provided by midwifery services, through to health visiting and onto school nursing.

School nurses will provide and coordinate health intervention and public health programmes on a range of issues, including: 

  • Physical health (education on obesity, smoking, alcohol and drug related harm)
  • Promotion of emotional wellbeing and supporting the mental health needs of school age children
  • Delivery of the national screening, surveillance and immunisation programmes in the school setting
  • Safeguarding
  • Early identification and assessment of pupils’ needs
  • Additional support and/or signposting to local or specialist services for children and young people who are identified as having additional needs
Speaking ahead of a visit to Bae Baglan school in Port Talbot to launch the new School Nursing Framework, Health Secretary, Vaughan Gething,  said: 

“We want to do everything we can to ensure the health and well being of all children in Wales. 

“School nurses make an important contribution to the healthy development of a child and I am pleased that that every child in Wales will now have a dedicated school nurse throughout their time at school to ensure that their health and emotional needs are met.”

“Happy, healthy children are much more likely to achieve their full potential and grow up to be healthy adults.  Investing in our young people is investing in our future.”

Education Secretary Kirsty Williams said:

“We want to ensure pupils are aware of what school nurses can do for them and how to find them, to make it easier for children to use the school nursing service and get good advice on their health.

“It’s important to emphasise that school nurses are not just responsible for first aid; they’re planning and coordinating care for learners with chronic health needs so they can participate in school. They are also facilitators and advocates for lots of children.

“School nursing has to be viewed as further investment in students. Healthy students learn better. School nurses are partners to make sure that happens.”

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