UK and Kenya sign new Defence Cooperation Agreement to tackle shared threat from Al-Shabaab

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Defence Dr Monica Juma signed the deal after agreeing to step up UK support for the key security partner

UK Government to acquire Sheffield Forgemasters International Limited

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has today launched an offer to acquire Sheffield Forgemasters International Limited (SFIL).

Defence Secretary praises UK-France co-operation as RAF helicopters help Mali recovery mission

RAF Chinooks supporting the French-led counter-terror operation in Mali assisted recovery operations after a French Mirage 2000 jet crew ejected from the aircraft

Daily contact testing expands to 2,000 sites across critical sectors

The government has today (Monday 26 July) expanded daily contact testing with 1,200 new sites across frontline sectors, helping to avoid disruption to crucial services.

50 years: delivering unique specialist policing

The Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) launches its 50th Anniversary campaign.