Highlands opens largest IT service centres in Europe

The largest IT service centre in Europe opens in Scotland creating hundreds of jobs with a £225 million investment over the next five years.

‘Polar Preet’ embarks on 700-mile trek to the South Pole

Captain Harpreet Chandi, an Army physiotherapist with 3 Medical Regiment is aiming to complete the 700-mile trek for a solo expedition to the South Pole this year.

MOD to establish Defence Serious Crime Unit

A judge-led review into how allegations of serious criminal wrongdoing are raised and investigated in the Armed Forces has been published today. The Henriques Review recognises the need for the MOD to establish a Defence Ser…

British Troops Engage with Terrorist Fighters in Mali

British Forces deployed in Mali have killed two armed terrorist fighters after being engaged by small arms fire while on patrol.

Chief of Defence Staff declares new DIO head office at DMS Whittington officially open

The Chief of Defence Staff has visited DMS Whittington, in Staffordshire, to officially open the new head office of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).