News story: HMS Queen Elizabeth step closer to operations with transatlantic training

HMS Queen Elizabeth, the nation’s future flagship, will deploy in late summer for the eastern seaboard of the US, including a port visit in the Washington area where she will host the Atlantic Future Forum.

HMS Queen Elizabeth step closer to operations with transatlantic training

HMS Queen Elizabeth, the nation’s future flagship, will deploy in late summer for the eastern seaboard of the US, including a port visit in the Washington area where she will host the Atlantic Future Forum.

Speech: Defence Secretary speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore

Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt speaks about the power of human rights, democracy and respect for the rules based international order.

News story: RAF Typhoons intercept Russian fighters in Estonia

Royal Air Force (RAF) Typhoon fighter jets based at Ämari Air Base in Estonia launched to intercept Russian aircraft for the third time this month.

News story: Minister for the Armed Forces visits Washington ahead of Presidential State Visit

Defence Minister Mark Lancaster has travelled to the US to reaffirm the historic and enduring defence relationship shared by the two countries ahead of the 75th anniversary of D-Day