Red Arrows to stay in Lincolnshire following RAF Scampton closure

The Red Arrows are set to stay in their home county of Lincolnshire and move to RAF Waddington after the closure of their current base RAF Scampton.

Funding to support armed forces charities doing vital work during pandemic

Defence Minister Johnny Mercer announces extra funding to support frontline armed forces charities across the UK.

Nation falls silent to mark VE 75

Additional plans unveiled for 75th Anniversary of VE Day this Friday

UK Armed Forces Maintaining Critical Defence Activities

The UK Armed Forces are ensuring they keep the country safe, supporting the national response to Covid-19, continuing their critical operations at home and overseas, while ensuring they prepare for future tasks in a delibera…

Veterans UK celebrates the 75th anniversary of VE Day

This Friday the nation will join together to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe.