
Author Archives: johnredwood

The frustrations with modern parties. 1 Inflation

Many voters are angry that the U.K. government allowed inflation to hit 11%. That is part of the reason Conservatives lost so many votes as they were meant to be in charge.

The public also saw that Labour did not warn about the coming inflation to suggest any policies that might have prevented it. Their vote also fell.

The problem went unsolved because most MPs and all parties in the House said the Bank of England is independent, None  of them wanted to challenge let along change the inflationary policy the Bank of England followed. This was both under its own powers and more importantly through the main policy of printing too much money and buying too many bonds which government and Opposition both backed and approved.

There is still no party calling for an end to the sale of bonds in the market at huge losses. This policy is not followed by the European and US Central banks though they made the same big inflationary mistake as the Bank of England. All parties want a better financial outlook to afford more spending and or tax cuts yet none can see how the Bank is sending huge needless bills to taxpayers.

Why? inflation  in Japan, Switzerland and China stayed low despite the war and energy price surge.This shows it was not the war but Bank policy that caused the overall inflation. .